
About Nancy Oliveira

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So far Nancy Oliveira has created 12 blog entries.

March 2025

LIVING WITH GRIEF    “We say, ‘Time heals all wounds.’ But it’s not true. It’s what we do with our time.” Pastor Emile Maxi, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, emphasizes. “God has given us control over the decisions we make in governance of ourselves.” The emotional pain a person feels reaches the deepest [...]

March 20252025-02-26T12:38:44-05:00

February 2025

MARRIAGE MASTERS VS DISASTERS   You may know Dr. John Gottman as the marriage expert who can predict divorce with over 90% accuracy. His life’s work on marital stability and divorce prediction is world-renowned. In his book Why Marriages Succeed or Fail, Dr. Gottman noted how on the basis of a 15-minute conversation, researchers [...]

February 20252025-01-27T11:09:00-05:00

January 2025

SURVIVING THE CAMBODIAN KILLING FIELDS   “At the time when the Khmer Rouge came to our home in Phenom Penh (the capital city of Cambodia),” Dr. Sereivudh Ly thinks back to that horrific nightmare, “myself and my two sisters, who survived with me, were visiting our grandmother in another province. The airport in [...]

January 20252024-12-16T12:10:24-05:00

December 2024

THE BENEFITS OF GRATITUDE    “At sea in a dense fog” is how Helen Keller described her life after losing her eyesight and her hearing at the age of 19 months—permanently blind and deaf for the rest of her life—yet, at the end of it all, she could say: “So much has been [...]

December 20242024-11-27T16:16:50-05:00

November 2024

TRAINING MY CHILD IN FINANCIAL MATTERS    Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about money? • Over 2,350 verses talk about money (riches, wages, treasure, silver, gold, wealth, etc.). That’s twice as many as the number of verses that speak about faith and prayer combined. • 15% of everything [...]

November 20242024-10-31T10:27:37-04:00

October 2024

LIVING THE LIFE YOU DIDN'T CHOOSE Dr. Frederic Luskin is the director of the Stanford University Forgiveness Project, one of the largest and most important studies on forgiveness ever conducted. In one of his talks online, Dr. Luskin explains how forgiveness is living the life you didn’t choose. He sees forgiveness as the [...]

October 20242024-09-26T15:30:33-04:00

September 2024

NEVER SAY NEVER “There are two things I will never do: become a pastor or live in Africa.” I was a teenager when I witnessed someone decide to go into the ministry; I thought: What a waste of a life! Then, I listened to the story of a family who served as missionaries in Africa and faced some [...]

September 20242024-08-27T15:25:32-04:00

August 2024

HAPPILY MARRIED = HEALTHIER “A merry heart does good like a medicine: but a broken spirit dries up the bones” (Proverbs 17:22). Familiar verse. Encouraging words. Perhaps some quasi-scientific connection? Not at all, the science is solid. White blood cells develop in yellow bone marrow, which is significant because “white blood cells are [...]

August 20242024-07-30T13:35:52-04:00

July 2024

LOW-TO-NO-TECH EDUCATION Shortly before he passed away, Steve Jobs was asked by a New York Times journalist: “So, your kids must love the iPad?” Jobs said he banned his kids from using an iPad. “We don’t allow the iPad in the home. We think it’s too dangerous for them in effect.” Along the [...]

July 20242024-07-10T16:59:18-04:00

June 2024

THE EFFECT OF ELECTRONIC MEDIA ON THE BRAIN “This past week,” my daughter wrote, “we decided to completely cut out our son’s screen time. He wasn’t watching every minute of every day, but it had slowly started to creep in more and more from just being when we drove in the car to [...]

June 20242024-07-10T17:00:20-04:00
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