
August 2022

STAR POWER “I am the product of persistence. Legend has it…my father was driving down the street on the island of Montreal, and he saw this beautiful lady walking down the street…he pulled over, asked her if she wanted a ride, and she said no, so he drove away, but he [...]

August 20222022-07-19T17:22:41-04:00

July 2022

FROM DISCONNECTED TO VITALLY CONNECTED “When my parents divorced, my mother sent me to an Adventist school, and our church family took very good care of us.” Amber Andrews remembers how the good times outweighed the bad during her early childhood years. “I was a tom boy, had a horse, [...]

July 20222022-06-28T15:06:52-04:00

June 2022

FAITH OF OUR FATHERS “Many years ago, back in Ukraine, from a basket on a shelf, my grandfather watched the blood drain from her face as his mother died giving birth.” Murray Sankey recalled the story of the trauma his grandfather endured, which eventually stirred him to flee to Canada. “Not long after [...]

June 20222022-05-25T16:56:14-04:00

May 2022

COMING HOME “My story is a point of reference, not a residence,” Jerry Shiel clarifies. “He never shouted at us or ever swore, but he believed in corporal punishment,” Jerry recalls. “I didn’t like it when my dad took out the strap. As a young boy, I just wanted him to get to know [...]

May 20222022-04-26T14:19:13-04:00

April 2022

JESUS HAS OUR BACK BEFORE WE THINK WE NEED HIM “It was a normal morning. The kids were jumping on our bed,” Tammy Hebert recalls, “so when I walked into Kienan’s bedroom and couldn’t find him, I checked every place in the house I thought a three-year-old would hide. My heart started racing; we [...]

April 20222022-03-31T21:50:45-04:00

March 2022

LIBERTY: THE VERY ESSENCE OF FAITH “What are your thoughts on this?” A friend exposed his concern. My eyes examined the sentence in question: “Liberty is the very essence of faith” (The Great Controversy, pg. 189). A story wandered into my awareness as I weighed those words. “This quote by Luther brings to mind [...]

March 20222022-03-01T08:18:48-05:00

February 2022

ONE WEEK IN PARADISE “The trash I am going to throw into the garbage is my lack of belief that my body has the ability to heal.” Resounding applause filled the room. “And the treasure I am going to take home from this week is the persistency to stand on God’s truth and [...]

February 20222022-02-01T16:39:05-05:00

January 2022

WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE HYMN? Recently a ladies’ prayer group invited me to join them on WhatsApp, and my soul was refreshed every day as we prayed for each other. Our Sabbath mornings were even more special; we laughed together, and we also cried together as we pleaded with God to answer our heart-felt [...]

January 20222022-02-01T15:00:21-05:00

December 2021

BAGS OF LOVE “These children don’t know where they’re going, and then they have to wait in a rigid office, usually late at night, while the social worker calls up different foster parents to place the kids in the correct homes.” Jewel Lien’s voice softens as she explains, “At this crucial waiting time, [...]

December 20212021-12-01T09:52:23-05:00

November 2021

FINDING HOPE TOGETHER “God created us from the beginning as social creatures, yet we are lonelier than ever before.” A pastor and good friend opened his heart. “We live in a world with so much suffering, and since my church serves hundreds of hurting people in our community, we see firsthand the results of [...]

November 20212021-11-01T15:35:53-04:00
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