“I don’t know what’s wrong with me,” the well-dressed woman confessed to us. “I do everything right: I pray, go to church every Sabbath, pay my tithe, study my Bible daily, but it’s all empty. I’ve never felt close to God.”
My mind wrestled with her words, and I began to ask myself some heart-searching questions: Is it good to pray?
Is it good to worship and rest on the Sabbath day?
Is it good to study your Bible?
Can it be that you pray, you rest on the Sabbath, study your Bible, pay tithe, do all the good behaviours, and you are lost, but you don’t know that you are lost?
Can you be in the church and be lost?
Yes. Like the lost coin in Jesus’ parable. It was lost in the house, but it didn’t know it was lost.
How do you know if you don’t know that you don’t know? Being deceived: you don’t know that you don’t know.
I came to understand that unless you do all these good behaviours WITH God, they have no value.
“There are those who profess to serve God, while they rely upon their own efforts to obey His law, to form a right character, and secure salvation. Their hearts are not moved by any deep sense of the love of Christ, but they seek to perform the duties of the Christian life as that which God requires of them in order to gain heaven. Such religion is worth nothing…. A profession of Christ without this deep love is mere talk, dry formality, and heavy drudgery” (Steps to Christ, pp. 44-45).
So, you cannot keep the doctrines of God unless you have the God of the doctrines in your life. The Jewish leaders in the time of Jesus prayed, diligently studied the holy scriptures, kept the Sabbath, ate no unclean food, worshipped in the sanctuary, but they killed the Son of God.
Jesus warned: “On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’ But I will reply, ‘I never knew you’” (Matthew 7:22-23).
Jesus wants to know you, and He wants you to know Him.
The word “know” refers to relationship not ritual.
It’s possible to do all the good things to ease your conscience, to feel good about your performance, kind of a ritualistic check list: read your Bible – check; pray – check; go to church – check; pay your tithes and offerings – check.
But your heart isn’t in it.
There’s no connection.
You don’t know God, and you haven’t given Him a chance to get to know you. The lady in the Bible with the lost silver coin lit a lamp and searched diligently until she found that coin.
“Your Word is a lamp for my feet and a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105).
We prayed with the well-dressed woman who confessed that her religious rituals made her feel empty and distant from Christ, and then we searched the Word of God with her, and by its light she diligently examined everything in her life.
She honestly asked the LORD: “Am I lost, and I don’t know that I’m lost?”
In faith, she prayed this prayer: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: And see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24).
She discovered that Jesus was not hiding from her. He had promised: “’And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. I will be found by you,’” (Jeremiah 29:13-14).
Within a week, that dear lady’s face was beaming. For years, fear, self-righteousness, judgmentalism, and pride had blocked the reception of God’s Holy Spirit from flowing freely into her heart. When she finally surrendered these detrimental character traits, the tears flowed, and her heart overflowed with love for Jesus.
She found exactly what she was looking for.
What about you?
Are you holding onto anything that is preventing you from being filled with God’s Holy Spirit?
Does love for Christ motivate you to get out of bed in the morning? Not asking how little you have to give, do you aim at achieving the highest standards to achieve perfect conformity to the will of your Redeemer? Do you love Jesus so much that you earnestly desire to share your faith with everyone you meet?
I encourage you to yield all and demonstrate an interest equal to the value of the treasure you seek.
Jesus assures you: “Whoever comes to me I will never cast out” (John 6:37).
~ Mike Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
How to Trust God When Tragedy Strikes
Caleb Tam chose to trust in God when the most unthinkable tragedy struck.
Being Your Authentic Self – Part 1 & 2
Rémy Ballais is the face of the It Is Written Canada French program, Il Est Écrit, with its broadcasting studios located in Montreal, Quebec. Rémy shares stories of how God has led in his life and in the ministry of Il Est Écrit.
Being Faithful in a Secular World
Thando and Seth Amankwah are two highly-gifted, highly-educated, and highly-motivated professionals. Seth and Thando have inspired and challenged others to dedicate their success to God and His service.
How to Love Your Marriage – Part 1
Three young couples share their personal journeys of how they met, fell in love, got married and now are negotiating both the fun and frustrations of married life.
“I am so grateful for these seminars because I learned something about my husband that I had never known before and this is going to make such a difference in our marriage.” – Participant at Prescription for Love
“I decided to start listening to your presentations because you are real and authentic. I know I can trust you.” – Participant at Prescription for Love
April 21 & 22
Prescription for Love Marriage and Family Seminar at the Spirit of Truth SDA Church, Regina, SK
April 28 & 29
Prescription for Love Marriage and Family Seminar at the Sherwood Park SDA Church, Sherwood Park, AB
May 1 – 7
One Week in Paradise Wellness Retreat at Camp Frenda
May 13
11:00 AM – Preaching at Toronto East Filipino SDA Church
May 14 – 16
Wholistic Health Seminar at Iron Bridge SDA Church
May 26 & 27
Convocation/Outreach Program at Warburg SDA Church
Donate: Prescription for Love
It Is Written Canada’s Prescription for Love, featuring Mike and René Lemon partnering with Marlon and Doreen Cliffe, spotlights godly proven principles that work to enrich, heal, and restore relationships.
As an evangelistic tool, this Marriage and Family Wellness program brings hope and healing to relationships both within our churches and our communities, as so many marriages and families are experiencing major challenges.

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – Help in Daily Living by
Ellen G. White
If you’re feeling like the wheels are falling off and your life is becoming unglued, or if your wheels are simply spinning and you’re not getting anywhere, you will find solutions to these and many more setbacks in this little book.
This practical guide to experiencing abundant life will help you face financial fears, relationship challenges, unexpected crises, people who just keep getting on your nerves, and countless other obstacles that periodically block your way.

Vegan Chickpea Tuna Sandwich
- 1 15 oz. can chickpeas
- 1/4 cup vegan mayo
- 2 tablespoons red onion, finely chopped
- 2 tablespoons fresh parsley or dill
- 1/4 cup finely chopped pickles
- Squeeze of a lime
- 1/8 teaspoon celery salt
- 1/8 teaspoon paprika
- 1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
- Salt and pepper
- 1 teaspoon capers
Add all the ingredients into the food processor and pulse a few times until combined. You don’t want it too mushy, but you want to break down the chickpeas (about 5 pulses depending on your food processor).
Scrape down with your spatula and taste. Adjust seasonings to your liking, and pulse again to combine.
Serve in a lettuce wrap, or in a sandwich, or on crackers or however you desire. If you’re making a sandwich, serve it on toasted bread with lettuce, onions and tomatoes. Enjoy!