Did you know that a simple domino is capable of knocking over another domino one and a half times larger than itself, so if you started with a domino just five millimeters tall and one millimeter thick, about the size of a Tic Tac, it would take just 29 progressively-larger dominoes to wipe out the Empire State Building. That first Tic Tac-sized domino is so small it needs to be set up with tweezers.

The gravitational potential energy—or the energy stored by balancing the domino on its side—comes from the domino’s mass and height, both of which increase with every successive domino.

In a demonstration using thirteen progressively larger dominos in a chain reaction of falling dominoes, Physics Professor Steven Morris from the University of Toronto shows how the amplification of energy from the beginning to the end is two billion. Think about what that means: you put in a little bit of energy at the beginning and you get two billion times as much out at the end.
This is an amazing object lesson to show us how much potential energy each one of us has in the power of choice. From the genesis of humankind, everything hinged on the freedom and power embraced in a decision.

From the moment your eyes crack open in the morning, you have decisions to make: Should you get out of bed or should you sleep in for a few more minutes?

Military leaders tell their troops: If you want to change the world, start by making your bed. Making your bed in the morning has been correlated with better productivity and sense of wellbeing, which can even lead to better money management. And the Bible adds its weight to this truth when it says, “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (Zechariah 4:10 NLT). We start every day with work to do, and baby steps, Tic Tac-sized small beginnings are the key to success. Even a small decision, like making your bed, is a habit that can lead to a chain reaction of successful right decisions throughout your day and throughout your lifetime.

Another study showed that families who eat their meals together, not in separate rooms or at different times or on separate devices, have children who have better homework skills, greater emotional control, and more confidence. But, it’s your choice: Are you going to make your bed or not? Are you going to eat together as a family or not? There are no small decisions. Luke 16:10 says, “Whoever is faithful in doing little things can also be trusted with much.” Bigger decisions like being able to buy a house or get married will be affected by the series of smaller choices you’ve made in the past.

In the Bible, God offers you the chance, even if your faith in Him is smaller than a Tic Tac—the size of a tiny mustard seed—to make the ultimate decision when He says: “I am now giving you the choice between life and death, … and I call heaven and earth to witness the choice you make. Choose life” (Deuteronomy 30:19 GNT). God definitely wants you to live an abundant, successful life not just now, but eternally. Everyday decisions produce earth-shattering outcomes.

It all starts with one thing. Not two or three, but only one thing. Look at what the Apostle Paul said was his secret to success: “One thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:13-14).

A year ago, René and I left our comfortable life in the mountains of British Columbia where we were teaching at Fountainview Academy. We packed up our belongings and travelled across the country to Oshawa, Ontario to begin our work at It Is Written Canada, forgetting what was behind and straining towards what was ahead. We were so excited, although no one had any idea what the world was going to face—a large chunk of our time was spent preaching and recording sermons and interviews in our new studio during COVID-19 regulations. This has become one of the most exciting times to be in a media ministry like It Is Written Canada! The outpouring of spiritual and financial support and our increased viewership on multiple TV stations around the world and online have assured us that God was leading us to accept this call a year ago.

If you are personally struggling with a decision to move forward, the Bible assures you that the one thing you need to do is quit looking in the review mirror, forget what is behind and strain towards what is ahead, trusting that though you may not know the future, you can trust the One Who does.

Once again, thank you for supporting It Is Written Canada. With your support, every day we reach into homes throughout the world through internet and television transmissions with life-giving words of hope from God’s holy Word. We are so grateful, and we thank you for your ongoing encouragement, prayers, and financial support of this life-changing ministry. Through keeping It Is Written Canada on the air, countless people have the opportunity of experiencing the freedom and power embraced in the decision to choose the abundant life that is found in Jesus Christ. Thank you for partnering with us in spreading the wonderful words of life.

~ Mike Lemon

Upcoming Episodes

August 1 and 8: Lifestyle is Medicine – Parts 1 & 2

Dr. George Cho, ND and his twin brother, Daniel share their personal experience how lifestyle medicine transformed their spiritual journey. George also discusses the secrets of living longer in Part 2.

August 15: Where is God When I’m Hurting? 

Pastor Philip Lee, who after experiencing a tragic loss that shook his life, discovered the blessings that you too may experience during your afflictions—how you can be filled with joy and peace in the midst of tragedy and pain.

August 22 and 29: All About Jesus: Fighting Failure & This is War 

Pastor Lee Venden shares how you can practically fight the good fight of faith and overcome when your failures threaten to sink your ship.

Prayer in Action

Please, pray for Pastor Mike, René and Dauncey as they are filming episodes for our new season.

Ministry in Action

We invite you to continue to partner with us as we explore this new world of virtual meetings. The theme for the 2020 It Is Written Canada partnership event is “Experiencing Life”. We trust you will plan to join our virtual partnership September 18-19. You are an invaluable part of this mission, and meeting with you and showing you the results of your commitment is a vital component of this media and evangelism ministry. We look forward to sharing with you the results of this past year at our online partnership event.

If you haven’t had a chance, please check out the latest programs on: our webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and our new podcasts.

This Month’s Offer – GETTING TO KNOW JESUS

From the manger in Bethlehem to the cross in Jerusalem, Yancey presents Jesus as one who generates questions as well as answers, an exhilarating Jesus who wants to radically transform your life and stretch your faith. Getting to Know Jesus engages your heart, your mind, your emotions, and your senses, preparing you for a new, life-changing encounter with the real Jesus described in the Gospels.

Health Nugget

“Truly the light is sweet, and it is pleasant for the eyes to behold the sun” (Ecclesiastes 11:7).

In order to enjoy health and cheerfulness, you too must have an abundance of sunlight. Sunlight improves your mood as it signals special areas in the retina to trigger the release of serotonin. When natural sunlight penetrates the skin, it triggers the body’s production of Vitamin D, also known as “the sun vitamin.” Vitamin D has several important functions, it helps with the growth and development of healthy bones and teeth, it boosts your immune system, protects against inflammation, lowers high blood pressure and improves your brain function.


●  3 1/2 tablespoons lemon juice
●  2 tablespoons water
●  1 1/2 tablespoons liquid aminos (or substitute a mild soy-sauce)
●  2 tablespoons toasted sesame seeds
●  1 teaspoon minced garlic
●  1 teaspoon ginger root, grated
●  2 tablespoons raw almond butter
●  2 tablespoons maple syrup
●  1/4 teaspoon sesame oil

Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend on high until everything is well combined.  Pour over your favourite salad.  Note, a little goes a long way.