It Is Written Canada is positioned as a “first contact” ministry. It is our job to make a “first contact” that awakens a desire for something better in our viewers. The key is transferring that new contact to a local church family.
By offering free Bible studies to our viewers, for example, we make these connections, and I am so thrilled when I receive texts like this one a pastor just sent me: “Thank you, Mike, for the two Bible study contacts you sent me. I’ve been doing studies with them, and both families are coming to church every Sabbath and are preparing for baptism.”
In this sense, It Is Written Canada is much more than a media ministry. It is a connecting ministry, intentionally connecting with church members, leaders, and ministries: prayer, youth, health, family life, children’s ministries, ADRA Canada, the Messenger, church schools…the list goes on.
Also, last year It Is Written Canada conducted eleven “Prescription for Love” marriage and family seminars, and this year again numerous churches across Canada have asked us to help them. By restoring families and marriages, we are doing the work at the very heart of the end-time Elijah message (Malachi 4:5,6).
Here’s what one participant at a recent seminar told me: “My wife and I have decided to spend more time together because we had no idea how far we had drifted apart from one another with our busy schedules until we attended your ‘Prescription for Love’ seminar. Thank you for helping us put our marriage back on track.”
It Is Written Canada is an integral part of up to three One Week in Paradise health retreats each year. The Pen of Inspiration has left us the following direction: “I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work” (Counsels on Health, pg. 533).
“One Week in Paradise is one of the most significant experiences of my life,” a lady admitted to me. “What I love the most is the LOVE. You are the most loving people I’ve ever been around my entire life.”
Another participant shared, “I thought I was coming for health and wellness, but I learned how to pray.”
Comments like these confirm the validity of the following: “I can see in the Lord’s providences that the medical missionary work is to be a great entering wedge, whereby the diseased soul may be reached” (Counsels on Health, pg. 535).
One participant, who recently started attending church directly after her experience at One Week in Paradise, told me: “I loved the spiritual aspect of this program. Everything was top notch. Wonderful people. But the spiritual focus was what caught my heart.” Just think: this lady was not even attending any church before, and she is now eagerly showing up for church every Sabbath! Her understanding of doctrine is shallow, but her love for Jesus is deep, and her desire to learn is boundless!
All true evangelism must be relational, whether at the local level or through mass media.
Other health-related, outreach programs René and I share in local churches include: “8-days to Wellness” and “Worry-free Vegetarian Cooking” classes.
Last year alone, we conducted 18 different special Sabbath/weekend programs in churches throughout Canada.
Each year, we record 30 plus TV programs and film scores of short online messages, and even in these productions our aim is to be relational, featuring true stories of real people who have encountered a lifechanging experience with God.
What we did not anticipate is how personal ministries were launched for many of these individuals who told their stories on It Is Written Canada. After watching the episodes, viewers contacted these guests, asking them to share their testimonies and even to conduct seminars in churches from various different denominations throughout our country. We did not see this coming, but we praise God for making it happen!
From attending and facilitating programs at Camp Meetings, to speaking at youth gatherings and conferences, like GYC Canada, to facilitating prayer meetings, like the “Canada Wide Call to Prayer”, to outreach programs in other countries, like our trip to three remote villages in the Philippines with ADRA Canada, It Is Written Canada strives to connect people to the abundant life found in Jesus in a way that is personal and relevant.
“All true evangelism must be relational”
None of this work would be possible without people like you. Through your prayers and generous support, the LORD’s abundant blessings have increased the impact of this ministry. We receive, so that we might give more, for “God wants us to receive much, in order that we may impart much” (7 Testimonies, pg. 273).
You make the work of It Is Written Canada a reality. Thanks to your big-hearted contributions, It Is Written Canada’s film crew can capture stories on location throughout Canada.
Thanks to your charitable contributions, It Is Written Canada can conduct “Prescription for Love” marriage and family seminars, facilitate health and wholeness programs, and provide Bible study contacts to pastors.
Looking forward, we are busily planning weekend rallies in various churches throughout the country to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the ministry of It Is Written Canada. We hope we can connect with you personally at one of these events.
Thank you for your ongoing support of It Is Written Canada, and may God continue to bless you with an abundant faith in His faithfulness!
– Mike Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
Ukrainian Family Finds Refuge in Canada:
Olena Didenchenko did not know what to do or where to go, but she just knew she had to leave war-torn Ukraine to save her family. Her older daughter pleaded, “Mom, just let them shoot me!” Olena and her daughters couldn’t live like this any longer.
Dying the Worst Possible Death:
Shaun Young became so overwhelmed and almost defeated in the greatest battle that was ever fought, and he almost completely lost his mind. Shaun shares how he was entirely unable to silence the voice of rebellion without divine help.
A Trucker’s Tale of Redemption:
“I was a very lost sheep.” Paul Croft confessed. “I lived my life as I wanted to live, and didn’t care about anyone, or anything. It eventually cost me my freedom as I ended up in jail for seven months. It cost me a lot more though, my family, my reputation, and my job. Living life my way wasn’t working, but God had a plan.”
The Hidden Village:
Sagrada is a small coastal village nestled behind one of the largest mangrove forests in the Philippines. If you did not have a local boat guide, you may never find it. And yet ADRA Canada has! For the last seven years, ADRA has been helping the people of Sagrada learn new ways to live better, healthier, more self-sustaining lives.
It Is Written Canada Celebrates 50 Years!

It has been 50 years since Henry Feyerabend launched his first TV broadcast in Canada. To celebrate It Is Written Canada’s 50th anniversary, we decided to stage several rallies at various churches across the country during the months of September and October, and we will soon let you know where these rallies will be. To enjoy our classic programs with Pastor Henry Feyerabend, please visit us at and click on IIWC Classics.
Upcoming In-Person Events
February 2 – 4
Durham Fil-Can Family Camp at Camp Frenda – Prescription for Love
February 10
Preaching at Toronto Filipino SDA Church
February 17
Preaching at Fairhavens SDA Church
February 24 – 25
Sarnia SDA Church – Prescription for Love

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – Where Roses Never Fade CD by Henry Feyerabend
We would like to offer you your own free copy of Pastor Henry Feyerabend’s CD, “Where the Roses Never Fade.” May this inspirational music bless you and draw your heart closer to Christ as we look forward to His soon return.

Raw Vegan Truffles
- 1 cup of unsalted almonds (you can use pecans, walnuts, peanuts, or any nut you like – chopped in a food processor)
- ½ cup of date caramel (see ingredients and recipe below)
- ⅓ cup of cocoa powder
- 1 cup of vegan chocolate or carob chips – melted
- Sea salt
For the date caramel:
- 1 pound of medjool dates approximately 20 dates – remove pits and stems.
- 8 tablespoons of non-dairy milk
- ¼ teaspoon of ground sea salt
For the Date Caramel:
- In a food processor or a high-powered blender process the dates, milk, and sea salt until the dates are smooth and creamy.
- If your dates aren’t fresh (plump and squishy), soak them in warm water for an hour or two. When they feel soft and look hydrated, drain, and rinse them.
- This recipe makes about one full cup of date caramel. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator and it will keep for a week. Drizzle it over ice cream, put it in your morning smoothie, add it to your oatmeal, or spread it on toast.
For the Truffles:
- Line a cookie sheet or plate (that will fit in your freezer) with parchment paper.
- Coarsely chop the nuts in a food processor. Add the date caramel and the cocoa to the nuts and process until the mixture forms a ball. Carefully remove the blade from the bowl.
- Spoon out the mixture by the tablespoon and form into balls. Set them on parchment paper.
- Melt the chocolate chips until the chocolate is thin enough to pour over the truffles.
- Spoon the melted chocolate over the truffles.
- Sprinkle with a pinch of course sea salt and place the tray in the freezer to set.
- Enjoy with your favourite hot drink.