As you begin a brand-new year, we want to share with you a profound truth that you can see in nature. Here is the truth: You are growing even when you don’t see it. The Chinese bamboo tree is a good example of this. This tree follows a unique pattern in its growth. In the first year after it is planted, it shoots above the soil to a towering height of two inches.
In the second year, it’s still two inches tall, and the next year, and the next, and the next are the same. Although there appears to be no progress, the farmer keeps fertilizing and watering this tiny tree.
Finally, in the fifth year, the tree shoots into the air to a sky-scraping height of fifty feet!
So, what was happening to the little bamboo tree during the first five years of its growth?
You guessed it: it was putting down roots—building a system of strong, sturdy firmly fixed anchors—so that it could stand and continue to grow once it became a tall, towering tree.
Perhaps you have been tempted to feel discouraged because you have felt that you weren’t growing. You may have felt like the tiny bamboo shoot, about two inches tall spiritually. However, what you may not realize is that many times you are blind to your own growth.
2 Corinthians 5:7 encourages you with these words: “For we walk by faith, not by sight.” Faith means trusting that God is doing a good work in you, even when you don’t see it.
Today, as we look at beginning a New Year, here’s the challenge: why not ask God to give you the resilience to keep walking by faith and not by sight? You can also ask Him to give you the spiritual eyesight to see glimpses of how you are in fact growing so that your faith and confidence will continue to grow throughout this New Year, and then your roots will descend deeper into the nutritious soil of God’s abundant love.
We at It Is Written Canada would also like to pray for you. Please send us your prayer requests, and we will pray for you personally and for the people of the specific town or city where you live. We want to encourage you to keep growing spiritually, keep your spiritual connection alive and well by taking everything to God in prayer.
Please, permit me one last request: Could I ask you to pray for us?
Here is a specific list of what you can pray for It Is Written Canada:
1. To develop more effective and efficient systems for reaching people for Christ, so that we may hasten His coming and finish the work.
2. To keep improving the quality of our messages so that we can attract more people to decide to develop a vital connection with Christ.
3. For the LORD to guide lost and lonely people to become regular viewers of our programs so that they will see how to live an abundant, vibrant Christian life and choose it for themselves.
4. To work with other ministries and organizations in a synergistic relationship that will enhance our mission to connect Canadians to the abundant life found in Jesus in a way that is personal and relevant.
5. To develop projects that will meet specific needs of people in Canada so they will see that Jesus is the ultimate answer to their greatest need.
In advance, I want to thank you for partnering with us to make this media ministry possible; through your financial support and prayers we are able to get behind closed doors and connect Canadians to Jesus in a way that is personal and relevant. May God richly bless you throughout this New Year.
~ Mike Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
January 2: One of the Best, Most Consistent 10K Runners in Canada
He went from being one of Canada’s best, most consistent 10 K runners to not being able to run across the street. It was devastating, to say the least. How was Phil Ellis able to start running again?
January 9: Not Once Should You Ever Think of Failure
What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? A crazy Canadian blogger by the name of Kyle MacDonald attempted something audacious, and his fearlessness audacity led to a big pay off!
January 16 and 23: How to Gain Victory over Brokenness – Parts 1 & 2
Lorne was on top of the world the day she married the man of her dreams. But within weeks of their marriage, it became painfully obvious that something was wrong. When the truth came out about the man she had married, it really hurt, and it left deep scars, but despite the heartbreak, disappointment, brokenness, and betrayal, she chose to let the LORD navigated her way to joy and peace.
Ministry in Action

We are so excited to launch the second segment of our Experiencing Life videos — Our healthy cooking demonstrations! Rebecca Stonecypher and Ceri Christiansen share practical, healthy and nutritious recipes for busy individuals and families.
Also, if you haven’t had a chance, please check out our other programs on: our webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and our new podcasts.
From our Viewers
“Hi. I just saw your TV show the first time today. I was blown away by the testimony this man gave about Jesus releasing him from addiction. I will continue to watch your show. It’s very inspiring!”— Donna
“Love the It Is Written TV show…Mike & René GREAT hosts…music is SO exceptional….WONDERFUL YOUNG, CLEAR VOICES honouring The Lord…orchestra excellent…Mike, You & I have similar beginnings…me from Moose Jaw…René, SA accent so nice too…God bless…” — Gordon
Prayer in Action
Please, continue to pray that the programs and sermons featured in our second season will reach people and introduce them to the abundant life that is found in Jesus.
This Month’s Offer – HOPE FOR TROUBLED TIMES, by Mark Finley
We would like to offer you a book written by Pastor Mark Finley entitled Hope for Troubled Times. In his book, Pastor Finley shows that, although you live in a sin-sick world where you may be afraid for your health, your finances, your family, and your future, you have One who is larger than your fears, bigger than your worries, and greater than your anxieties. Pastor Mark Finley shows you practical, down-to-earth, real solutions to your problems, and how you can, not only survive, but thrive in this shattered world.
Health Nugget
Are you counting your calories?
When reading a nutritional label, it is better not to focus on the calories alone. Instead, look at all the ingredients, like the ratio of carbs to protein. Avoid foods with a higher ratio of simple, refined carbs to protein. For example, most snack chips and cereals have higher than a 10 to 1 ratio of simple, refined carbs to protein. According to Tom Rath in his book Eat, Move, Sleep, you need to set a goal of eating foods that maintain a better balance of healthy complex carbohydrates to protein, improving your strength in the long run.
You know that plant-based, whole foods are healthy complex-carbohydrates, so here are some that are also high in protein: broccoli, brussels sprouts, spinach, asparagus, alfalfa sprouts, kale, edamame, lentils, pinto beans, chickpeas, avocados, apricots, kiwifruit, blackberries, oranges, bananas, cantaloupe, raspberries, and peaches. Eating a variety of plant-based, whole foods is much better than focusing on counting calories alone.

● 1/2-1 cup uncooked rolled or quick oats
● 1/3 cup + 2 T milk alternative (coconut, or nut milk)
● 1/4 cup vegan yogurt
● 1 T chia seeds
● 2 tsp hemp seeds (optional)
● 1 tsp maple syrup
● 1/4-1/2 cup fresh fruit (blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, mango)
● Add all ingredients except the fruit to the mason jar.
● Mix the ingredients together.
● Add fruit on top, secure lid, and place in fridge overnight.
● In the morning, you can either eat the oatmeal straight out of the mason jar or place it in a bowl.
● Eat chilled. Add some granola on top for a little crunch!
Note 1: If you don’t have or don’t want to use vegan yogurt, feel free to add more milk to the oatmeal.
Note 2: If you don’t own a half-pint mason jar, you can use a small Tupperware container.