Recently a ladies’ prayer group invited me to join them on WhatsApp, and my soul was refreshed every day as we prayed for each other. Our Sabbath mornings were even more special; we laughed together, and we also cried together as we pleaded with God to answer our heart-felt petitions.

For testimony time, the facilitator of our Prayer Room group once suggested we each choose a favourite hymn and explain why it means so much to us. This was a very powerful exercise, and I want to share my experience with you.

My favourite hymn is # 487 “In the Garden,” and ever since I was a little girl, this hymn has touched me.

My gran loved roses, and she always had the most beautiful, sweet-smelling rose bushes in her garden, so the first stanza reminds me of her, a woman of faith who deeply loved the Lord and her family.

The second stanza reminds me of an African sunrise. The birds are so noisy, singing away to welcome in each new day, but when Jesus sings to me, the sound of His voice hushes the “fowl noises” in my mind. The melody He sings to me makes my heart ring with overwhelming joy and peace.

The third stanza reminds me of an African night in the bushveld. The darkness is so intense, yet “though the night around me be falling,” the light of Jesus illumines my heart! He is with me, His Spirit within me, His voice calming me.

However, the chorus is the most significant part of this hymn; it defines me: I am his daughter, and because He is my daddy, “He walks with me, and He talks with me, and He tells me I am His own. And the joy we share as we tarry there, none other has ever known!”

We have a book in our home entitled: Companion to the Seventh-day Adventist Hymnal. I wonder if you have it in your home too.

Reading the commentary on “In the Garden” taught me the following about this hymn: In March 1912, C. Austin Miles (author and composer) was moved by John 20, his favourite chapter. His writing distinctly shows how the hymn was inspired by the incident of Mary Magdalene meeting Jesus, Whom she suddenly recognized on the morning of His Resurrection.

What touched me even more was the following comment shared by one of my sisters in the Prayer Room: “Mary Magdalene couldn’t recognize Jesus because she was crying. Her tears blocked Jesus from her view. The powerful lesson I learned is that my problems, my worries, and my tears impede me from seeing Jesus. Here I am worrying because my problems seem too big. Here I am crying because I don’t have a solution for my challenges. I am in despair because I don’t see a way out, I feel alone and dejected…meanwhile Jesus, my Lord, is right beside me!!”

Not only is our Father right beside us, He is also writing and composing a special song for each one of us. “The LORD your God in your midst, The Mighty One, will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing” (Zephaniah 3:17 NKJV).

We would love to hear from you too; please, share with us your favorite hymn.

As we start this new year, 2022, what song is God singing to inspire hope and courage and serenity in your heart?

As my husband keeps reminding me: Time is seriously short, and it is necessary to keep in touch with our loving Creator and Redeemer—to hear His voice—so His wisdom, His guidance will lead the way. He is inspiring us at It Is Written Canada with strategies that are ambitious yet necessary if people are to hear His sweet voice in these last days.

Let me briefly share with you two projects you may wish to support: firstly, wholistic evangelism programs, where we partner with health care professionals to help people overcome addictions, lose weight, restore family relationships, withdraw naturally from dependence on pharmaceutical medications, and heal from a host of ongoing illnesses. Most importantly, we reveal Jesus as the only source of wholistic health and healing.

Secondly, we are printing and distributing 50,000 copies of a special Canadian edition of The Great Controversy with an invitation to join our Bible study course. We invite you to support these two life-saving projects.

The urgency to save souls sets us on fire every morning, and we feel compelled to push forward with a burning desire to rescue those who are perishing all around us. We thank you for your ongoing prayers and encouragement. Without your partnership, we would not be able to make this happen.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

“Everywhere there are hearts crying out for something which they have not. They long for a power that will give them mastery over sin, a power that will deliver them from the bondage of evil, a power that will give health and life and peace” (Ministry of Healing, pg. 143). What a joy will be theirs when they too learn to walk with Him, and talk with Him, and hear Him tell them they are His own.

~ René Lemon

Upcoming Episodes

January 1: Feeding the Spirit
Ian McPherson was once part of a gang, involved in a life of pain, anger, resentment and addiction. Hear how, through the grace of God, he is now daily deciding to feed the spirit and starve the flesh.

January 8 and 15: Star Power – Parts 1&2
Nwamiko Madden saw one door after another opening for him to progress higher and higher in his acting career; however, he knew he had to make a choice in the direction his life would take.

January 22: Bridges to Freedom – Don’s Story
Don Straub is a practicing clinical counselor who has also been a teacher from elementary through secondary grades, a school principal, and a pastor. His personal story will strengthen your faith in the biblical God of love and freedom, Who is as active in our lives today as He was in Bible times.

January 29: Why Do I Do the Things I Do?
Don Straub, a practicing clinical counselor, examines the important question of why we sometimes do things we ourselves do not understand. Don helps people struggling with everyday problems by giving them powerful, practical solutions.

Ministry in Action

If  you missed our series, “Finding Hope Together,” we invite you to watch it online by clicking on the following links:


Please, share the links and invite family members, friends, work colleagues, and neighbours. There is a free offer every evening to practically assist you on your journey.

From our Viewers

“I love your program! You are sharing the truth with real people! Thank you.”
– Kate

“Keep up God’s great work! You are a blessing in my life. Love and prayers.”
– Sandra

Prayer in Action

We would also like to pray for you, so please send us your personal prayer requests, and we will add you to our prayer list here at It Is Written Canada.

Update on The Epic Dream Book

Businesses across North America and the world are currently facing an unprecedented disruption to their supply chains, from shortages in staff availability and transportation bottlenecks to a lack of materials.

Paper products have especially been affected, and unfortunately, these disastrous events have also affected the production of The Epic Dream book.

We planned to have this book delivered to you by Christmas, but it is with deep regret that we inform you that we are now looking at an end of February delivery date.

Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – This song of Worship, by Norwill Simmonds

Because God has rescued Norwill repeatedly, his music is inspired by his deep love for God and His people.
We would like to offer you your own free copy of Norwill’s CD, “This Song of Worship.” May this inspirational music bless you and draw your heart closer to Christ.

Health Nugget

“Song is a weapon that we can always use against discouragement. As we thus open the heart to the sunlight of the Saviour’s presence, we shall have health and His blessing” (Ministry of Healing, pg. 255).


●  1 small, sweet potato (to make about 3/4 cup mashed)
●  ¾ cup pumpkin puree
●  ½ cup vegan butter, melted
●  1/3 cup nutritional yeast
●  Whole small bulb roasted garlic
●  ½ cup unsweetened plant-based milk
●  1/8 – ¼ tsp cayenne pepper
●  ½ tsp paprika
●  2 tsp salt (or to taste)
●  Shredded vegan cheese
●  1 pkg whole grain or gluten-free elbow noodles


To roast garlic:
●  Preheat oven to 400°F
●  Peel and discard the papery outer layers of the whole garlic bulb. (Leave the skins of the individual cloves of garlic intact)
●  Using a sharp knife, cut 1/4 to a 1/2 inch from the top of cloves.
●  Place the garlic head in a large piece of foil.
●  Drizzle 1 tsp. olive oil over top of garlic.
●  Close foil tightly around garlic and place in the oven for about 25 – 30 minutes.
●  Cool and remove roasted garlic cloves from their skins.

To bake sweet potato:
●  Preheat the oven to 425°F and line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper or aluminum foil.
●  Use a fork to poke holes into the sweet potato and set on the baking sheet.
●  Roast for 35 to 40 50 minutes, or until the skin has puffed up and you can easily pierce them with a fork.

●  Add all ingredients to food processor or blender and blend till smooth and creamy.
●  Cook pasta and drain.
●  Transfer cooked pasta to larger mixing bowl and fold the blended creamy sauce into the warm pasta.
●  Serve as is or transfer to a large casserole dish and top with vegan shredded cheese.
●  Bake pasta at 350°F for about 20 minutes.
●  Serve hot and enjoy!