Like a tumble weed at the mercy of the elements, I lacked stability and went wherever the winds of excitement swayed my wretched flesh. Drinking every weekend with fellow accomplices, killing brain cells, barely existing—a reckless, aimless, empty shell—I circled as dust in the wind.

If you probed me at the time with the question: “Do you think you are free to do whatever you want?” I would have answered hastily: “Yes! Absolutely! I’m no one’s slave.”

Truth is I was a slave to addictions, countless fears of death—of another loved one dying—of not having enough money, of being rejected by peers. I was a slave to my desire for approval—the need to be needed—to the opinions, judgments, and estimations of others.

God’s Word declares: “The ungodly are…like the chaff which the wind drives away” (Psalm 1:4).

That was me: chaff.

Chaff has no roots.

Chaff is the crust, the outer casing of a seed. It’s dry, dead skin peeled off a kernel; it’s so light, at the mercy of wind, easily driven from place to place.

In contrast, God’s Word unveils the life of the righteous as being “like a tree planted by the rivers of water, that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf also shall not wither; and whatever he does shall prosper” (Psalm 1:3).

A prosperous tree, bearing loads of fruit, does not fly all over the place. Its deep roots anchor it in one place. It’s stable and dependable and alive.

A tree that is constantly transplanted cannot be fruitful.

Chaff appears to be free, having so much fun, but it is dead—a hollow husk—a slave to its environment.

On the other hand, the tree is alive and free to grow and bear fruit to nourish others.

When I became a Christian, after someone gave me a Bible and challenged me to read a chapter a day, I experienced freedom for the first time. The perfect love of God drove out those demons one by one; when I meditated on God’s Word every day, God gave me life, confidence, strength, hope and peace.

He set me free!

Yet, Jesus dives deeper into the hearts of those who have been impressed by His words, “but who had not surrendered themselves for the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It is not only by resistance but by neglect that the soul is destroyed” (The Desire of Ages, pg. 323). In Matthew 12:45, our Saviour warns that if a man is empty, like a vacant house, an evil spirit will move in with “seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.”

Chaff is chaff.

The only way for us to become trees bearing never-failing fruit is to remain free—vitally rooted, grounded and connected to Christ, regularly receiving the vitalising current of His Spirit.

A tree does not eat its own fruit; it feeds others: people, birds, animals, and even insects.
The fruit of my life is not for me, but to feed others.

At It Is Written Canada, our deep desire is to fill empty souls by connecting them with our kind, compassionate Saviour—the only One who can keep us free.

However, we cannot do this work alone. Therefore, we thank you for supporting us with your prayers and financial contributions so that we can continue connecting Canadians to the abundant life found in Jesus in a way that is personal and relevant.

If you are feeling lost and empty today, Jesus desires to fill you up and set you free. Reach out to Him in prayer, ask Him to fill you with His Holy Spirit, and He will give you the relief, comfort, and assurance you need.

“And this is the testimony: that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son. He who has the Son has life; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God” (1 John 5:11-13 NKJV).

~ Mike Lemon

Upcoming Episodes

July 3: Lost on the Cold Streets with the Heartbeat of Madness
Daniel Cullen, a transient homeless man, lived on the streets for over 25 years in cities and towns across Canada. The official psychiatric records say that he had “little hope of recovery,” yet he did more than just recover. He is now thriving and for the last 20 years helping others recover.

July 10: Not Once Should You Ever Think of Failure
What would you attempt if you knew you could not fail? A crazy Canadian blogger by the name of Kyle MacDonald attempted something audacious.

July 17: How to Gain Victory over Brokenness
Lorne was on top of the world the day she married the man of her dreams. But within weeks of their marriage, it became painfully obvious that something was wrong. Despite the heartbreak, disappointment, brokenness, and betrayal, she navigated her way to joy and peace.

July 24: See How Big God is When You Magnify Him
He lived in an age of violence, death, and godless brutality, but by magnifying God, the answers he received to his prayers caused people to believe that the age of miracles had not ended.

July 31: Look How Words Can Impact Your Health and Happiness
The words people say to you can have a powerful impact on your health and happiness, and the words you use can literally change your world.

Ministry in Action

We want to invite you to join Mike and René every Friday evening at 7:30 P.M. Eastern Time on Facebook Live and YouTube Live to connect and welcome in the Sabbath together.

Also, if you haven’t had a chance, please check out our other programs on: our webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and our new podcasts.

From our Viewers

“Thank you for this ministry and for Mike and René Lemon. I enjoy watching the TV program on Saturdays and also receiving the weekly
e-mails with inspiring messages and videos. They are a pleasure to listen to with their calm and clear delivery of the Gospel message. God bless them and their families and this ministry.” – Nancy

Prayer in Action

We would like to pray for you, so please send us your personal prayer requests, and we will add you to our prayer list here at It Is Written Canada.

We are so excited to be starting our third Season with It Is Written Canada in the fall, October 2021. Please, pray for our team as we film the programs for our next season.


Living in a world ravaged by famine, wars, addictions, disease and death, we can barely imagine a different life. Few of us recognize that our restlessness, frustration, and bouts of depression are simply expressions of a silent longing for the home our Father has waiting for us.

Health Nugget

“Meditate within your heart on your bed and be still.” – Psalm 4:4

Still means to remain in place, free from sound or noise, motionless and at rest. It means preparing to be still or protecting your final hour before bed. According to Tom Rath, in his book Eat Move Sleep, “One of the biggest impediments to sleep is what you do in the hour before you go to bed. More than 90% of people with sleep problems admitted to using electronic communications in the hour before bed.”

Remember to unplug before you unplug!


●  2 frozen bananas
●  ⅓ cup almond milk
●  2 tablespoons peanut butter
●  2 tablespoons cacao powder
Optional add-ins: (add them if you have them!)
●  2 scoops protein powder of your choice
●  2 teaspoons maca powder
●  1 tablespoon chia seeds, flax seeds, or hemp seeds
For topping:
●  ½ banana, sliced
●  Granola
●  Peanut butter, to drizzle
●  Chia seeds

● Place frozen fruit, liquid, and any optional add-ins into a high-speed blender.
● Blend on high until smooth. You may need to add a little bit more liquid depending on how thick you like your smoothie.
● Place in bowl and top with listed toppings.
● Serve immediately.