Her eyes glistened: “I am so happy high school is finally behind me, and so excited to start the next chapter of my life.”

“This is a phenomenal season of your life, yet I detect some uncertainty.”

“I wish I knew God’s will; it would help me make the right decision.”

“How can I help you?”

“I believe you have a close connection with God, so I’m hoping you can help me see His will for my life.”

“I’m so glad you want to know God’s will for your future.”

She smiled.

“Do you think we could first pray?”


It was a simple prayer for the Lord to guide our conversation and to open our eyes to see His will.

“Can I ask you a soul-searching question?”


“If you knew beyond the shadow of a doubt what God’s will was for your life, would you do it?”

“Yes, of course! If I knew without a doubt what God wanted me to do, I would definitely do it.”

“That’s fantastic!” I took a deep breath before asking a follow-up question. “Do you think it’s God’s will for you to pray? I mean, not just at mealtimes?”

“Oh, yes, I think it’s God’s will for me to pray.”

“Good! I agree.” I continued probing, “Can I ask you how often you pray?”

She put her head down.

“Would you say you pray an average of ten minutes a day?”

“No,” she sighed, “probably less than that.”

“That’s okay. These questions are not for the purpose of making you feel ashamed; they are simply to help
you see how you can get to know God’s will.”


“Great! So, I need to ask another question. Is that okay?”

“Sure, go ahead.”

“Do you think it’s God’s will for you to read the Bible; I mean, not just at church?”

“Absolutely! I do read my Bible.”

“That’s wonderful! Can you tell me how often you read your Bible?”

“Um, how often?”

“Yeah, would you say you read the Bible on your own an average of ten minutes a day?”

“Well, our family sometimes does worship together, but I don’t read my Bible by myself too often. Probably a little less than that.”

“That’s okay. What about once a week?”

“Um…probably not.”

“Do you think we could open the Bible right now?”

“Yes, that would be nice.”

“Can I ask you to turn to Luke chapter eight and verse eighteen and read those words of Jesus?”

She read, “Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks that he has will be taken away.”

“In that verse, what do you think Jesus is saying to you about knowing God’s will for your life?”

She bit her lip.

“Don’t worry, you can take your time to quietly consider what you think Jesus is saying to you personally.”

She sat silently for a few minutes re-reading the verse, and then she bowed her head and closed her eyes.

Tears were flowing when she opened her eyes. “Why?” she sobbed, “Why would God give me a deeper knowledge of His will if I am not faithfully doing what I already clearly understand?” With tears in her eyes, she revealed her thoughts: “I believe Jesus is saying to me: ‘Do what I have clearly given you to do, and do not worry about what is still unclear.’”

I am always so amazed how clearly God speaks to us in our time of need—how He speaks to young and old through godly counsellors, through friends, through prayer, through the intervention of His Spirit, and through His Word. He promises to gently lead you too: “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.” And then He warns: “Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you” (Psalm 32:8-9 NKJV). God does not sit on your back and put a bit in your mouth, yanking you this way and that. That is not the way He leads His children.

Two years ago, the LORD led me and René to It Is Written Canada. I must admit that we were shaking in our boots, and the only thing we had to hold onto was God’s hand. We trusted Him to show us His will and His way.

I say this to encourage you to keep holding onto His hand. Although you may be going through some trying times, claim the promises of His Word, and trust Him to show you the way.

We also want to thank you for your ongoing encouragement, prayers, and financial support of this life-changing ministry, especially at this time when many have not been able to meet together with friends, family, and church members. Through keeping It Is Written Canada on the air, countless Canadians have the opportunity of experiencing the abundant life that is found in Jesus in a way that is personal and relevant. Thank you for partnering with us. Our greatest desire is that we will all daily develop a closer relationship with Jesus Christ, be increasingly filled with the Holy Spirit, and work together to prepare others for His soon return.

~ Mike Lemon

Upcoming Episodes

June 5: How to Hold on When Your Faith is Tested
At the age of 18, Evgene Vasmout’s faith was tested when he arrived at the military base in Russia to complete his two years of mandatory military training.

June 12 & 19: You Saw Me and You Loved Me – Parts 1 & 2
After Neil’s traumatic experience at the age of 14, he finds hope and the ability to forgive.

Jolly Grace is placed in the arms of Neil after tragically losing her mother at the age of 5 months. How can she possibly find a sense of belonging without her biological family?

June 26: Now is the Right Time!
Dan Carter went from living on the streets as a homeless, drug addict to becoming Mayor of Oshawa, Ontario.

Ministry in Action

We want to invite you to join Mike and René for fifteen minutes every Friday evening at 7:30 P.M. Eastern Time on Facebook Live and YouTube Live to connect and welcome in the Sabbath together.

Also, if you haven’t had a chance, please check out our other programs on: our webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and our new podcasts.

From our Viewers

“Thank you for all your blessings and great love for others through yourself and your show. I got my two roommates (here in prison) to watch the past two shows, then we talked about it. One girl didn’t believe in Jesus, but now she is starting to pray and read. I was excited to know that through your show, I helped someone else. Thank you.” – Angela

Prayer in Action

We would like to pray for you, so please send us your personal prayer requests, and we will add you to our prayer list here at It Is Written Canada.

We are so excited to be starting our third Season with It Is Written Canada in the fall, October 2021. Please, pray for our team as we film the programs for next season.


You know His miracles, and you know He will come again. You also know He is the only true path to salvation, but, do you really know Him? You can, more than ever, within the pages of The Master of Love (fourteen chapters taken from The Desire of Ages).

Health Nugget

Research has shown that exercising for just 20 minutes in the morning could significantly improve your mood for up to 12 hours. Not only will it improve your mood; it will also leave you feeling re-energized with a new sense of motivation and enthusiasm to take on the rest of the day! As an added bonus, you will also experience extra brainpower and creativity!


●  10-inch burrito-size flour tortillas
●  Refried beans
●  Shredded vegan cheese
●  Tostada shells
●  Vegan sour cream
●  Avocado slices
●  Chopped tomatoes
●  Salsa of choice
●  Shredded iceberg lettuce
●  Cilantro leaves

● Place a flour tortilla on a flat surface.
● Spread all the fillings in the middle of the tortilla, but do not overstuff or overfill!
● Sprinkle shredded cheese on top, in roughly the same size as the tostada shell, but leave a generous border.
● Add some of the refried beans on top, spreading out to the border of the shredded cheese.
● Top with a small handful of chopped tomatoes, followed by a few spoons of salsa, a small handful of shredded lettuce, avocado slices, and a few cilantro leaves.
● Spread some vegan sour cream onto a tostada shell. Place the tostada shell on top of the beans, sour cream side face down.
● To fold, start with the bottom of the flour tortilla and fold the edge up over the center. Continue this process, for a total of 6 folds (like a hexagon) and press down to ensure the tortilla doesn’t unfold.

NOTE: If your flour tortillas are dry, I recommend briefly microwaving them in a damp paper towel to add some moisture, as dry tortillas will start to unfold.

To Cook the Crunch Wraps:
● Heat a skillet with a bit of oil over medium heat.
● Add a crunch wrap, seam-side down and cook for 2-3 minutes, until the surface is golden brown.
● Flip and cook for another 2-3 minutes until the second side is golden-brown.
● Take off the heat, slice in half, and enjoy!