The belief we have in the power of prayer is evidenced by the time we give it.
One of my past pupils told me about an older lady in her church who she admired greatly, a woman of prayer who loves the Lord dearly and is always helping others.
One day, this humble servant of God heard about a very sick woman who was only expected to live a couple of weeks. When she felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to visit this woman she didn’t know in the hospital, little did she realize that her brief visit would mean so much to so many people.
Upon entering the cramped hospital room, cluttered with machines, she found the sick woman motionless and pale, lying on a bed with her distraught husband sitting uneasily at her side. After briefly acknowledging the man, she walked silently to the bedside and grasped the lady’s withered, limp hand. Peering into the frail woman’s lifeless eyes, she smiled warmly and gently uttered, “Jesus loves you.”
That was it.
After a few more minutes, she prayed and exited the room, not knowing that the lady had accepted these three life-giving words and believed for the first time that there was a loving God who knew her personally.
From that day onward that hospitalized woman’s health began to improve. The doctors and nurses, family and friends were amazed and shocked. Here was a woman who they thought was destined to die but now was on a rapid road to recovery.
No one could ignore the fact that something incredible had occurred. She had seen and felt the love of God, and her life was suddenly worth living again. Even her husband, an atheist, was unable to deny God’s healing hand in his wife’s revival, and he began to seek earnestly for the God he never believed existed. That husband and wife became members of our church, and they thanked God every day for sending someone who could show them a true picture of Jesus’ love.
If you and I spend time with Christ and invite Him into our hearts, we too can be true representatives of His love and a blessing to those in need.
It really is a privilege to reveal the love of Jesus to others. God’s Word says: “’I have revealed and saved and proclaimed—I, and not some foreign god among you. You are my witnesses,’ declares the Lord, ‘that I am God’” (Isaiah 43:12).
I want to personally encourage you to keep growing spiritually and keep your connection with God alive and well by praying for people who are sick or feeling lost and lonely and are searching for hope, healing, happiness, and holiness in the midst of this dark world. Pray that God will inspire you to connect with these precious souls through writing letters, sending texts, emails, calling, or connecting face-to-face as this wonderful, saintly woman did that momentous day for another soul she had never met until she looked into her eyes and tenderly uttered those three life-giving words: “Jesus loves you.”
If you would like to team up with It Is Written Canada by becoming a prayer warrior, please, email your name and phone number to: [email protected]
We will connect with you, add your name to our prayer warrior team, and put you to work.
We really need you on our team!
May God bless you abundantly!
~ Mike Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
I Want More PEACE in My Life
Dr. Flor Guzman and her husband, Richard Green, examine the healing power of nature, controlling your thoughts, and other effective strategies to help you experience more peace in your life.
God’s Faithfulness
Jennifer Barter started suffering from lung problems as a teenager, and over time, it became evident that she needed a double lung transplant. Jennifer witnessed God carrying her through this most difficult time of her life.
Facing the Devil
While facing an imminent threat to his life, Arden Brock saw the face of the evil one tempting him to take the easy way out and end it all.
Changed for Life

“I thought my marriage was pretty good; I didn’t know how much better it could get. Your seminar helped us improve our intimacy. You gave us tools that really work.”
– Participant at Prescription for Love
“This is good stuff! I don’t know why no one else is talking about this. It’s so practical, and it works.”
– Participant at Prescription for Love
June 2 & 3
Ontario Camp Meeting
June 9 – 17
8 Days to Wellness: Wholistic Health Outreach Program at Toronto East SDA Church.
June 23 & 24
Prescription for Love Marriage and Family Seminar at the Bronte SDA Church
July 2 – 4
SDACC Ministerial Summit – Burman University
July 14 – 18
Alberta Camp Meeting – Bowden
July 18 – 23
Man–Sask Camp Meeting – Whitesand
July 23 – 30
Maritimes Camp Meeting – Pugwash
July 30 – August 5
BC Camp Meeting – Hope
Donate: Prescription for Love
It Is Written Canada’s Prescription for Love, featuring Mike and René Lemon partnering with Marlon and Doreen Cliffe, spotlights godly proven principles that work to enrich, heal, and restore relationships.
As an evangelistic tool, this Marriage and Family Wellness program brings hope and healing to relationships both within our churches and our communities, as so many marriages and families are experiencing major challenges.

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – Words of Hope by
Ellen G. White
Words of Hope will help you understand other life lessons to guide you in your Christian walk, such as the blessing of generosity, the power of humility, and the way to persevere when life is tough.
![cocobols-zW8wA4QwS2M-unsplash[69] copy](https://itiswrittencanada.ca/wp-content/uploads/cocobols-zW8wA4QwS2M-unsplash69-copy-scaled.jpeg)
Veggie Spring Rolls with Peanut Dipping Sauce
Veggie Spring Rolls
- 20, 9-inch rice paper wrappers
- ½ cucumber, thinly sliced
- 2 heaping cups of carrots, shredded
- 2 heaping cups of purple cabbage, shredded
- 2 heaping cups of mung bean sprouts
Peanut Dipping Sauce
- ½ cup natural peanut butter*
- ½ cup unseasoned rice vinegar
- ¼ cup maple syrup
- ¼ cup soy sauce
- ¼ cup chilli garlic sauce or sriracha sauce (optional)
- 2 green onions, thinly sliced
- 1 red bell pepper, thinly sliced
- 2 heads of romaine lettuce
- 8 ounces vermicelli rice noodles
1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Add rice noodles and cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat, drain, and rinse under cold water to stop cooking.
2. Trim romaine leaves to fit on the rice paper. Working with one rice paper at a time, submerge in a shallow bowl of water (a round cake pan works well) for 5 seconds. Remove rice paper from the water and place it on your work surface. Lay a romaine leaf on the paper, then layer on a small amount of rice noodles and each of the veggies.
3. Fold over one side of the rice paper then fold over top and bottom. Using a rolling motion, seal the rice paper on opposite sides.
Peanut Dipping Sauce
Combine all ingredients in a small bowl and whisk to combine. Garnish with green onions.
* For those with peanut allergies, substitute with toasted sesame oil.