The incessant heartache of her life made prayer akin to breathing.
My grandmother had lost her own mother, two stepmothers, and a number of brothers and sisters on the family farm where she worked day after day, her fingers raw to the bone, and her biceps bulging like a man’s. Through the sweltering summer hot spells and icy winters, she worked. Persistent snowfalls buried the life beneath the fertile Saskatchewan soil, but still she worked to feed and milk the cows and to collect the eggs from the chicken coop.
When she wasn’t outside, she scurried around the kitchen fixing cabbage rolls, perogies, soup, salad, and sandwiches to stuff into hungry mouths. And when her own family took center stage, she seized on the task of raising her two daughters single-handedly after her first husband ran off with other women.
Whenever she prayed, she cried—even when she said grace. No one ever questioned the sincerity of her faith; God was all she had, and God was all she needed.
So, it is no surprise that when my own life ran amuck with one tragic loss after another—the divorce and later deaths of my parents, my four brothers and I growing up in an orphanage, and accidents that stole the lives of two of my big brothers—I decided to receive instruction from my grandmother’s life.
When God is all you have, God is all you need!
I do not hold onto God because He is holding out some mystical carrot on a stick that I will one day be able to chomp when I get to heaven. I cling to Him for dear life because without Him, I would not be able to breathe.
So, when I see in my Bible Jesus peering into the telescope down the dark corridors of time, observing final events on planet earth, I am perplexed as He wonders aloud: “When the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?”
The answer is obvious: Of course, He will find faith on the earth! When the whole planet is going to hell in a handbasket, why would people not have faith in God? What else is there to hold onto?
But then I think of the collective denial, the intellectual vanity, and the courtly pride that caused a certain element of society to deny the Emperor was stark naked while he appeared in his royal carriage before the common people. You recall the classic tale by Hans Christian Andersen, The Emperor’s New Clothes? Two charlatans imposing as weavers spun a story of how they could fashion a fabric only the wise could see. They convinced the Emperor and his entire court that the invisible threads were as light and delicate as a spider’s web and would fit His Royal Majesty like a second skin.
A palpable hush filled the air when he appeared in public.
Mouths gaped and eyes grew wide as saucers.
It took a child to break the silence: “He’s naked! His Royal Majesty is wearing nothing!”
Jesus knew that in the last days many would depart from the faith, “giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils” (1 Timothy 4:1). He saw a generation that would live so cloaked in darkness, blinded to eternal realities, under the tyranny of a digital Babylon featuring a 24/7 media circus. He saw how their minds would be so confuse: “Ever learning, but never able to come to the knowledge of the truth” (2 Timothy 3:7). This intricately woven, vibrant design is an utter fabrication, and Jesus saw it all: a complete lack of faith in the eternal God, Who longed to open their eyes and break the spell of sin and selfishness, to free them from suffering under a profound sense of alienation and fear, living lives so interminably vapid, with no structure, certainty, or meaning apart from our omniscient Creator.
When I open my Bible, I understand why Jesus wondered if He would find faith on the earth when He comes. I see how it is crucial for each one to understand the importance of honestly and urgently praying: “Search me, O God, and know my heart: try me, and know my thoughts: and see if there be any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting” (Psalm 139:23-24).
Among the countless lessons my grandmother’s life taught me, I hold onto two truths: “When the darkness is deepest, the light of a godlike character will shine the brightest” (Acts of the Apostles, pg. 431). And “He who lives nearest to Jesus shines the brightest” (The Signs of the Times, August 16, 1905).
The truth will always be the truth, even if no one believes it; and a lie will always be a lie, even if everyone believes it.
In closing, I thank you for supporting the work of It Is Written Canada because without your ongoing support, we would not have a voice to speak the truth in these last days.
May God richly bless you with an intensity of interest to draw ever closer to Jesus, our gentle Saviour, in these final hours of Earth’s history.
~ Mike Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
March 6 and 13: The Energy Shack’s Amazing Secrets to Healing – Parts 1 & 2
Carolyn is the co-owner and manager of the Energy Shack Juice Bar in Scarborough, ON. In these two episodes Carolyn shares her clients’ success stories.
March 20: How This Amazing Community Faced COVID with Confidence
The people of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation on Manitoulin Island in Northern Ontario has reacted optimistically to the challenges of the pandemic. Because this community is so close-knit, the crisis of a pandemic, instead of traumatizing them, became a wonderful opportunity for growth. Instead of shutting them down, it opened them up and drew their hearts even closer together and closer to their land and to their Creator.
March 27: Heaven is God’s Eternal Plan to be with YOU!
God is “I AM” in the past. God is “I AM” in the present, and God is “I AM” in the future. The past, present, and the future are the same to God. He’s there! Wherever you are—He’s there! He sees the most remote events of past history, and God sees the far distant future, into the endless ages of eternity, as clearly as you see the road in front of you when you’re driving your car. And He is closer to you than you ever realized!
Ministry in Action
We want to invite you to join Mike and René for fifteen minutes every Friday evening at 7:30 P.M. Eastern Time on Facebook Live to connect and welcome in the Sabbath together.
Also, if you haven’t had a chance, please check out our other programs on: our webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and our new podcasts.
From our Viewers
“Thank you for the programs each week on Sunday at 11:00 AM on the Miracle Channel and the music – programs involving people’s lives and testimonies. We’ve been enjoying your programs.” – Shirley & Mike
“Your latest interviews and testimonials have been extremely good and inspiring. Thanks for the great programs and keep up the good work!” – Tim
Prayer in Action
We would like to pray for you, so if you would like to send us your personal prayer requests, please, fill in the tear-off slip in the My Prayer Request/Testimony section, and we will add you to our prayer list here at It Is Written Canada.
Please, also pray for other people who are feeling lost and lonely and are searching for hope, healing, happiness, and holiness in the midst of this dark world. Pray that God will inspire you to connect with others through writing letters, sending texts, emails, calling or connecting face-to-face using some virtual platform during these times of physical distancing.
In Come Home, Don MacLafferty invites you to discover God’s plans for your family and the place you call home. Explore timeless principles that will help you love your family well and safeguard your home in this chaotic time. Find God’s vision for what your home could become by His love, His grace, and His power.
Health Nugget
You probably know that sitting for long periods of time is not good for you. When researchers studied MRI images of muscle tissue, they found that sitting for extended periods throughout the day puts pressure on cells and causes the body to produce 50% more fat than it usually would. It also causes your blood sugar and insulin levels to spike to dangerous levels.
However, taking regular breaks can counteract these symptoms. Tom Rath in his book Eat, Move, Sleep, encourages people to take two-minute breaks every 20 minutes. During these breaks you may stand up, walk, drink water, visit the washroom, or simply stretch.
Don’t worry about these breaks ruining your focus on an assignment because taking regular breaks from mental tasks actually improves your creative thinking and productivity.

● 2 cups packed carrot greens, washed and dried
● 1 cup arugula
● 3 cloves garlic, smashed and roughly chopped
● 1/2 cup pumpkin seeds
● 2 tablespoons hemp seeds
● 1 tablespoons nutritional yeast
● 1 teaspoon dried basil powder
● 1 teaspoon onion powder
● 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon salt
● 1/3 cup olive oil
● Cut the stems off the carrot tops and the arugula.
● Place all ingredients except olive oil in a food processor. Process well, but don’t puree the mixture.
● Stop the food processor, add the oil, then process another several seconds.
● Taste, and adjust salt and seasonings to your liking.