“What are your thoughts on this?” A friend exposed his concern.

My eyes examined the sentence in question: “Liberty is the very essence of faith” (The Great Controversy, pg. 189).

A story wandered into my awareness as I weighed those words.

“This quote by Luther brings to mind a certain lady who was constantly telling her husband what to do,” I began my narrative. “Not surprisingly, their marriage suffered, so they called their pastor, who enquired: ‘Is it true that you constantly tell your husband what to do?’

“’Yes, Pastor, it is,’ she admitted. ‘I’m so afraid he will make the wrong decision.’

”‘Since he’s not a child, shouldn’t your husband be given the freedom to make a wrong decision?’

“She furrowed her brow. ‘If he made a wrong decision, he would be sinning, and if he sinned, he would be lost.’

“‘As terrible as that would be, doesn’t God give your husband the freedom to sin?’

“’No! No, Pastor! God doesn’t want my husband to be lost!’

“’You’re right, God wants your husband saved.’ Their pastor clarified: ‘I asked whether God gives your husband the freedom to choose to be lost?’

“’Maybe God gives him the freedom to choose, but I want to make sure he’s saved!’

“The pastor looked at her seriously. ‘If you make all the choices for your husband, will he truly be saved?’

“Silence settled in as the lights came on and tears filled her eyes; she had been coercing her husband’s conscience. Immediately, she turned to her husband, pleaded for pardon, and he freely forgave her.”

When Luther wrote, “Liberty is the very essence of faith,” he put his finger on the pulse of Christianity. “’By the word,’ said he, ‘must we overthrow and destroy what has been set up by violence. I will not make use of force…. Liberty is the very essence of faith’” (The Great Controversy, pg. 189). As much as Luther opposed false practices, he equally combatted the use of coercion to make people “do the right thing.” The pen of inspiration warns: “…the conscience should not be compelled even for the observance of the genuine Sabbath, for God will accept only willing service” (RH April 15, 1890).

The great reformer concluded: “’We must leave the matter in God’s hands. His word must act, and not we…. Let us preach; the rest belongs unto God.” Luther understood how force would produce a mindless multitude who hollowly comply with mandatory rituals, no different to the work of the apostate institution he battled. “But there would be no sincerity of heart, nor faith, nor charity. Where these three are wanting, all is wanting…. God does more by His word alone than you and I and all the world by our united strength. God lays hold upon the heart; and when the heart is taken, all is won’” (Ibid. pp. 189-190).

This phenomenal book my friend quoted from, The Great Controversy, traces the lives of real people and their fight for freedom—men and women, boys and girls who faced trying times where they chose to look up and look within, humbly doing deep introspective, soul-searching work, enabling them to courageously stand for truth while the agencies of evil raged against them.

At It Is Written Canada, we have printed 50,000 copies of a new Canadian edition of The Great Controversy, and if you wish to order your own books to share with friends, neighbours, or family members, please, call It Is Written Canada at: (905) 404-6510, or email: [email protected], or write to: It Is Written Canada, Box 2010, Oshawa, ON, L1H 7V4, CANADA.

Especially at this time, these stories of faith will speak to people personally and help them find the same peace and eternal solutions to their own perplexing problems. In its pages, they will trace the history of the great controversy between good and evil in ages past and see the light history sheds on the fast-approaching final warning and divine deliverance of God’s children.

~ Mike Lemon

Upcoming Episodes

March 5: Is Self-Love an Oxymoron?
Don Straub examines how we should understand self-love.

March 12: The Benefits of Singing Scripture
Craig Cleveland, who has been blessed with the gifts of playing, writing, orchestrating, and conducting music, reveals the many benefits of singing scripture songs.

March 19&26: Freedom’s Journey – Parts 1 & 2
Jacob Hiebert and his family were determined to follow God during World War II under the rule of Communism, when being a Christian was illegal, and their heart-stopping journey bares the signs of the unmistakable guidance of God in a faith-building story of divine care.

From Our Viewers

“I’ve been watching your TV Program, on Saturday mornings, for a couple of years. I enjoy listening to your guests telling their life stories. I record your programs and watch the shows about 3 times, because sometimes I miss some information.” – Marilyn from Alberta

“God blessed you with the wisdom to put the exercise videos on your website. I need to do this, and now you have given me the inspiration.” – Helen from Ontario

Prayer in Action

We would also like to pray for you, so please send us your personal prayer requests, and we will add you to our prayer list here at It Is Written Canada.

Ministry in Action

Trip Across Canada

The Pen of Inspiration gives us the following guidance: “I wish to tell you that soon there will be no work done in ministerial lines but medical missionary work” (Counsels on Health, pg. 533). Wholistic health evangelism enables church members to practically help sick and suffering souls, and ultimately lead them to Jesus. Therefore, Mike and René will be travelling throughout Canada this spring (April and May) to share with churches the secrets behind the success of running wholistic evangelism and be giving tips on how you can make this happen in your church.

Their trip will take them from Ontario to BC. If you would like to accommodate them along the way, please, could you kindly contact Bailey Muller (Tour Co-ordinator) at [email protected]. Thank you so much!

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – Jesus in Genesis, by Henry Feyerabend

In the pages of this book, Henry Feyerabend, will show you how the book of Genesis is a Christ-centered message. You will discover how Jesus is our Saviour, Creator, Advocate, Substitute, Judge, and our Friend in the first book of the Bible. We pray that Henry Feyerabend’s simple messages will make Jesus more real in your life today!

Health Nugget

“There are many ways of practicing the healing art; but there is only one way that Heaven approves. God’s remedies are the simple agencies of nature, that will not tax or debilitate the system through their powerful properties. Pure air and water, cleanliness, a proper diet, purity of life, and a firm trust in God, are remedies for the want of which thousands are dying; yet these remedies are going out of date because their skillful use requires work that the people do not appreciate. Fresh air, exercise, pure water, and clean, sweet premises are within the reach of all, with but little expense; but drugs are expensive, both in the outlay of means, and the effect produced upon the system” (Counsels on Diet and Foods, pg. 301).


●  2 cups almond milk
●  2 cups pumpkin purée
●  ½ cup coconut milk
●  2 Tbsp date paste
●  4 Tbsp maple syrup
●  1 tsp pumpkin pie spice

●  Place all ingredients in a blender.
●  Blend until smooth.
●  Transfer to a pot or saucepan and heat.
●  Pour into your favourite mug, top with coconut whipped cream and sprinkle with cinnamon.
●  Enjoy!