Studies have documented that families who habitually eat dinner together seem to raise children with better homework skills, higher grades, greater emotional control, and more confidence.ˡ And, get this, simply making your bed in the morning is correlated with better productivity, a greater sense of wellbeing, and stronger skills at sticking to a budget.²
Small alterations create widespread changes, as Zechariah 4:10 advises: “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin” (NLT).
The Prophet Daniel practiced one habit every single day, three times a day: the practice of prayer.
The problem comes when the practice of prayer is mechanical, like the habit of making your bed every morning. There’s nothing wrong with bedmaking being a mechanical routine but praying must never become mindlessly automated, for Jesus warned, “And when you are praying, do not use thoughtless repetition as the Gentiles do, for they think that they will be heard because of their many words” (Matthew 6:7 NASB). The words you pray should be expressions from the heart, not impersonal chants.
Brain scans show that when people recite memorized prayers or repetitive mantras, the same brain regions are activated as when reciting nursery rhymes. These are simply regions of recall, rote learning, and repetition, but the prefrontal cortex is not engaged at all. The prefrontal cortex is the region of the brain responsible for higher level moral development, empathy, relational interaction, and self-reflection.
However, when the habit of prayer is relational, like the habit of families who connect meaningfully while eating dinner together, the prefrontal cortex is activated along with other regions of the brain that are also activated when you talk to a friend—regions associated with anticipation, the expression of individuality, and consideration of your friend’s responses, attitudes, and feelings.
The way you pray can also affect your psychological adjustment. In the aftermath of the 9/11, 2001 terrorist attacks, University of Michigan scientists evaluated the impact of prayer in coping with trauma and discovered that students who prayed in the after- math of the trauma had better psychological adjustment one year later than those who did not pray. But they also evaluated Muslim refugees of Kosovo and Bosnia and found that many of them also prayed to cope with the stress, but 60% of them had ongoing PTSD. Interestingly, they found that 77% of them had “negative” forms of prayer, such as praying that their enemies “would pay for what they have done.” In other words, prayers of vengeance. iii
They found that positive prayers and practices were related to high levels of optimism, hope, and healthy adjustment, but justice-seeking and anger-related religious practices that pursued vengeance were related to reduced levels of optimism, hope, and healthy adjustment. They concluded that it depends which God you pray to, how you pray, and for what you pray.³
Besides praying three times a day, the Prophet Daniel also prayed with his friends, and at It Is Written Canada we have a team of prayer warriors who intercede on behalf of others. If you would like to team up with us, please, email your name and number to: [email protected] We will connect with you and add your name to our prayer warrior team.
Thank you for considering being a part of our team! And thank you for supporting the ministry of It Is Written Canada with your prayers and ongoing financial contributions.
– Mike Lemon
1 Ashis Roy, “A Simple Habit with Profound Positive Impact: A Discussion on the benefits of dining with family and shared time,”, February 27, 2024.
2 Charles Duhigg, The Power of Habit, pg. 109
3Journal of Personality, Volume 73, Issue 3, p 763- 792, June 2005.
Upcoming Episodes
“Is It Really Possible to Lose Weight Forever?”:
Dr. Nadine Plummer’s clinical focus is weight loss, and in this episode, she outlines her findings and explains in detail how to lose weight, keep it off, and enjoy the process.
MAY 11
The Power of a Mother’s Prayers:
Ines Telis came home to an empty house: her children gone. Her children admitted that they were under the delusion that their mother’s rules were too strict, and they decided to live with their father, “who had no rules.” As the years passed, they lost touch with God, but their mother never quit praying.
MAY 18
In the Hands of Grace:
Listening with a non- judgmental, supportive ear, Joshua Hernandez works with young men at Kingsway College, influencing them to trust their lives to Jesus as he also does day by day.
MAY 25
The Pure Joy of Giving:
When you meet people who are generous, the big question is why. Ron and Patti Hetland, humble farmers from Saskatchewan say, “The reason we give back to God is because He has blessed us so much in so many ways!”
It Is Written Canada Celebrates 50 Years!

It has been 50 years since Henry Feyerabend launched his first TV broadcast in Canada. To celebrate It Is Written Canada’s 50th anniversary, we decided to stage several rallies at various churches across the country during the months of September and October, and we will soon let you know where these rallies will be. To enjoy our classic programs with Pastor Henry Feyerabend, please visit us at and click on IIWC Classics.
Upcoming In-Person Events
May 4:
Preaching at
Newmarket SDA Church, Newmarket, ON
May 5:
Go Plant-based EXPO,
Chestnut Hill Recreation Centre, Pickering, ON
May 24 – 27:
Prescription for Love Weekend Retreat
Silver Hills Guest House & Spa, Lumby, BC

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – Satisfied, How God Can Meet Your Deepest Needs by Mark Finley
In this world of quick fixes, consumerism, drugs to solve any one of several problems, and relationships that come and go so quickly, at some point we all must stop and ask ourselves, “Can anything ever make me truly satisfied?” In this book, Pastor Mark Finley points to the one and only way any of us can ever become truly satisfied.
Upcoming Mission Trip

Farewell Sergio!
It Is Written Canada is sad to announce that we are saying goodbye to our Director of Operations, Sergio Alejandro, who has accepted a position at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada (SDACC) as the associate treasurer. Sergio has been a part of our team for just over five years. We are so grateful for his dedicated service, his attention to detail, his positive attitude, and his willingness to go above and beyond the duties of his role as Director of Operations. We do not doubt that he will use the same amount of dedication in his new position at the SDACC. We will miss you, Sergio!