Imagine strolling through a city park and meeting a crowd of people swarming an artist who is working on an intriguing drawing. The artist takes out a white sheet of paper and haphazardly peppers black dots here and there on the page. You press your eyes tightly together and try to make sense of this mess of dark dots. The creation is no more than an irregular splattering of inky marks.
Then he adds a series of straight, parallel lines across the page from top to bottom, puts in a few rests, a clef in the beginning, and musical notes miraculously materialize on the sheet. Grabbing a musical instrument, he plays the composition from the page. The sweet sounds stir the spectators and touch a chord within your own soul as you listen to the harmonized music of the doxology: “Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below.”
Sometimes dark dots and spots spray themselves across the pages of your life, and you may feel perplexed by their presence. Why are they there?
Then, when you let your Creator—the Master Artist—come into your heart to clear aside the confusion by adding His finishing touches across the page from top to bottom, when you wait for Him to put in a few rests at the proper places, musical notes miraculously materialize, and out of the inky, distressing dots and upsetting spots, He makes a glorious melody.
When we first moved to work for the ministry of It Is Written Canada, it felt like our life was filled with black dots and spots. The adjustment was so difficult, and we couldn’t understand what God was doing. However, we are now in awe when we see what He has done with our besmirched spots and dreary dots. The Master Designer has rearranged them, putting lines through some, though this was very painful at first because the learning curve felt so steep. Now, we see and hear how He is creating such a beautiful, harmonious anthem of praise—a masterpiece in song. Zephaniah 3:17 assures us with these lovely words of promise: “The Lord your God in your midst, the Mighty One will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness, He will quiet you with His love, He will rejoice over you with singing!”
Every day at It Is Written Canada we reach into the homes of Canadians, and people throughout the world, through internet and television transmissions with the life-giving messages from God’s holy Word. We are so grateful, and we thank you for your ongoing encouragement, prayers, and financial support of this life-changing ministry. Through keeping It Is Written Canada on the air, countless Canadians have the opportunity of experiencing the abundant life that is found in Jesus Christ.
Especially at this time when people are so anxious, afraid, and uncertain about the future, they need hope to know that Jesus came to save the lost and the lonely who are locked behind closed doors—dark doors of discouragement. Thank you for partnering with us in spreading the wonderful and encouraging words of life.
It has been said that when the musician presses the black keys on the great organ, the music is as sweet as when he touches the white ones, but to get the capacity of the instrument, he must touch them all. So, we wish to encourage you with these final words: “When you open your eyes in the morning, thank God that He has kept you through the night. Thank Him for His peace in your heart. Morning, noon and night let gratitude as a sweet perfume ascend to heaven…The angels of God, thousands upon thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand, are commissioned to minister to those who shall be heirs of salvation. They guard us against evil and press back the powers of darkness that are seeking our destruction. Have we not reason to be thankful every moment, thankful even when there are apparent difficulties in our pathway?” (The Ministry of Healing, pg. 254).
~ Mike and René Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
October 3 and 10: How Do You Trust after Experiencing Abuse? – Parts 1 & 2
Reema struggled to find self-worth, purpose and trust after a traumatic experience of abuse. How could she possibly managed to move forward and share her story?
October 17: Would You Like to be More Decisive?
Do you admire people who are so decisive—who know what they want and aren’t afraid to go for it? Would you like to be one of those people? See what the key is to being a more decisive person.
October 24: His Life was Filled with Achievement and Success, but…
Maurice Hinds set three goals for his life, and once he achieved all three, Life showed him there was still more—much more!
October 31: Do You Have Enough Courage to Love?
Retired bus driver, Johnny Barnes, courageously changed the island of Bermuda with three words: “I Love You.”
Ministry in Action
We are so excited to launch into our second season with It Is Written Canada. Please, pray that many lives will be touched as we share people’s stories of hope, healing, and forgiveness.
If you haven’t had a chance, please check out the latest programs on: our webpage, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and our new podcasts.
From our Viewers
This beautiful poem entitled: The Face of Jesus was written by Patricia Hepburn, a Bible student and partner from Ontario.
The Face of Jesus
Just to look on Jesus face
Just to see those eyes of love
Just to hear the mouth that spoke
Loving words from up above.
The face that bore our sins and sorrow
The face that sweat great drops of blood
The first face that the blind man saw
When his eyes were healed with mud.
Just to see the face that shines
With the light of Heaven’s glory
Just to look into that face
The face that tells redemption’s story.
Oh, to see the gentle face
That so long has strove with me
Oh, to wipe the tears He shed
Just to set me free.
And, when He comes in clouds of glory
I’ll be ready, but His grace
No lovelier face will I behold
Than that of Jesus face.
The Sermon on the Mount is Heaven’s blessing to the world – a voice from the throne of God. Jesus spoke the words of this sermon to all of mankind, and it shines as the law of duty and the light of heaven: our hope and comfort in despair, our joy and security in all the uncertainties and turbulent times we have to face. Here the Prince of preachers, the Master Teacher, utters the words that the Father gave Him to speak.
Health Nugget
Spending time outside in nature and getting a breath of fresh air is not only enjoyable, it is also good for your overall health. Take a look at these words of warning and wisdom: “Your lungs, deprived of air, will be like a hungry person deprived of food. Indeed, we can live longer without food than without air, which is the food that God has provided for our lungs” (Child Guidance, pg. 339). Fresh air can help relieve stress and anxiety, reduce the risk of Type II diabetes and cardiovascular disease; it can increase your energy levels, boost your immune system, and improve your digestion. So, we would like to encourage and challenge you to step away from technology, get out into nature, and breathe in some fresh clean air.

● 1 bag of favorite pasta (fusilli, macaroni, etc.)
● 1-2 cups cucumbers sliced and quartered
● 1-2 cups chopped tomatoes
● 1 block extra firm tofu
● 1 can sliced olives
● 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil
● 3 tablespoon lemon juice
● 2 teaspoon oregano
● salt to taste
Cook pasta according to package instructions. Drain and rinse with cold water.
Add desired amount of cucumbers, tomatoes, and olives in with the cooked pasta.
Drain and press the tofu dry with a paper or clean kitchen towel. Crumble tofu block into bowl with pasta and veggies.
Add the olive oil, lemon juice, oregano and salt and mix until well combined.