“At the age of 9, my parents separated and eventually got a divorce,” Joel Telis recalls. “My parents had been fighting constantly, and my sister and I felt trapped in the middle. I remember the sounds of my mother crying in her room. I had a lot of anger building inside of me, but I wasn’t entirely sure why.”
At the age of 10, God’s Holy Spirit enlightened Joel. “I was in my room alone crying as I often did, and an image from the Bible came to my mind of King Solomon taking over the kingdom from his father, and I could see him praying to God, asking for wisdom to know what to do. So, I knelt in my room and prayed for the wisdom of Solomon so that I might understand what was happening. The Holy Spirit filled me with a deep love for God, and I became the one nerdy church kid that had a Strong’s Concordance, the Smith’s Bible Dictionary, and all the Doug Batchelor books on my shelf.”
Joel’s faith kept growing. “One night at vespers, the preacher made an altar call for any young person to come forward if they felt a call to ministry. Only a few of us went up, and after the preacher finished praying for us, he made us write a note in the front of our Bibles as a reminder of the commitment we made to God that night.”
With a catch of disappointment in his voice, Joel confessed, “That was when the devil came in like a flood, and unfortunately, I fell right into his trap. At the ripe age of 15, my sister and I packed our bags and left to live with my father and his new wife. I get very sad thinking about it: my mother coming home to an empty house; there’s nothing but a note saying, ‘We’re sorry, but we’ve gone to live with Dad.’”
In their teenage minds, Joel and his twin sister were under the delusion that their mother’s rules were too strict. “We convinced ourselves that we were living under a tyrannical oppression. Our father, on the other hand, had no rules. The first thing we did was sit on the couch all summer, like potatoes, watching TV shows and movies we had been ‘deprived of’ as kids. In the fall, we went to the public school down the road; no longer in the Christian environment we had grown up in. With bad friends came the worst decisions. I started smoking and drinking and hanging out with my new friends. As the years passed, I lost touch with God. I didn’t even know where my Bible was, and I avoided talking to my mother because she always talked to me about Jesus.”
“I get very sad thinking about it: my mother coming home to an empty house; there’s nothing but a note saying, ‘We’re sorry, but we’ve gone to live with Dad.’”
To hear how Joel’s mother held onto God’s promises and the hope of seeing her son return to the LORD, you can watch hers and Joel’s compelling story on It Is Written Canada this month on the dozens of networks where It Is Written Canada is aired across Canada and around the world. Or simply go to or It Is Written Canada’s YouTube videos and click on the program entitled: “The Power of a Mother’s Prayer.”
Please, also join It Is Written Canada September 30 – October 7, 2023, for our Canada Wide Call to Prayer. Please, with your local church family or on your own, set aside this time to pray and fast especially for our children who have given up on God, for He has NOT given up on them.
For more information, please, go to:
~ Mike Lemon
Upcoming Episodes
I Want More HOPE in My Life: Dr. Daniel Saugh shares proven practical, effective ways to help you feel hopeful about the future despite the ongoing global wars and internal conflicts you may be facing.
How to Trust God When Tragedy Strikes: Caleb Tam chose to trust in God when the most unthinkable tragedy struck.
Faithful in a Secular World: Thando and Seth Amankwah are two highly-gifted, highly-educated, and highly-motivated professionals. Seth and Thando have inspired and challenged others to dedicate their success to God and His service.
How to Love Your Marriage: Three young couples share their personal journeys of how they met, fell in love, got married and are now negotiating both the fun and frustrations of married life.
The Power of a Mother’s Prayer: Ines Telis came home to an empty house: her children gone. Her children admitted that they were under the delusion that their mother’s rules were too strict, and they decided to live with their father, “who had no rules.” As the years passed, they lost touch with God, but their mother never quit praying.
September 1 – 3
Heart Lake SDA Family Camp –Camp Frenda, ON
September 22 – 23
Henderson Highway SDA Church – Prescription for Love
October 7
Preaching at Hamilton Filipino SDA Church
October 14
Preaching at Bramalea Fil-Can SDA Church, Brampton
October 20 – 22
Williams Lake SDA Church Prescription for Love Marriage and Family Seminar
October 29 – November 5
One Week in Paradise Wellness Retreat at Camp Frenda

THIS MONTH’S FREE OFFER – Signs of Hope by
Alejandro Bullón
In a world where life is no longer sacred, hunger and poverty are rampant, and natural disasters are worse than ever before, people find themselves hoping against hope that things will get better. Turn on the news, and you’ll be bombarded with stories of vicious crimes, cruel wars, and terrible disasters. From all appearances, our world seems to be hurtling toward a catastrophic finale. But who’s to blame for all this chaos? Is there actually a rational explanation for the horrific events that take place each day? And is there anything that could save us from this mess? Alejandro Bullón tackles these and other daunting questions and discovers that the crisis we’ve found ourselves in is itself a sign of hope pointing to the grand finale: the second coming of Jesus.
Donate: Prescription for Love
It Is Written Canada’s Prescription for Love, featuring Mike and René Lemon partnering with Marlon and Doreen Cliffe, spotlights godly proven principles that work to enrich, heal, and restore relationships.
As an evangelistic tool, this Marriage and Family Wellness program brings hope and healing to relationships both within our churches and our communities, as so many marriages and families are experiencing major challenges.

No-Bake Chocolate Nut Butter Cookies
- 1 cup rolled oats
- 3/4 cup natural peanut or nut butter of choice
- 2 Tbsp. unsweetened almond milk
- 1 Tbsp. maple syrup
- 1 Tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 tsp. vanilla
- 1/2 tsp. salt
- 1 cup pitted dates
- Line a small baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Pour oats into a food processor and blend until it looks like “coarse” flour.
- Add the dates and salt then blend for 30-45 seconds or until the dates are finely chopped.
- Add the nut butter, maple syrup, almond milk, and vanilla, and blend until it turns into cookie dough.
- Scoop out about 2 Tbsp. of dough and form it into a small cookie and set it on the baking sheet.
- Enjoy immediately or let chill in the fridge until you’re ready to serve.