Henry Feyerabend had a persistent fire burning in his heart to preach, to sing, and to share his love for his Saviour, which took him from being a missionary in Brazil to laying down the foundation of what today is a national and international media ministry known as It Is Written Canada.
That’s why every It Is Written Canada speaker—including Henry, Shawn, Bill, Chris, Mike & René – have continued to keep the fire burning. This year marks the 50th Anniversary of this media ministry that began with a fire the LORD ignited in Henry Feyerabend’s heart so many years ago.
Through this media ministry, countless souls across Canada and around the world have come to know the love of Jesus and have embraced Him as their Saviour, Lord, and Friend. To honour how God has used the ministry of It Is Written Canada over the years, we invite you to attend one of the six weekend rallies we will be holding to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of this media ministry.
Here are the locations and dates if you wish to attend one of the six It Is Written Canada weekend rallies: