Dear Partners and Sponsors of It Is Written Canada,
Can you hear Jesus challenging you with those five words: “Launch out into the deep!”? Do you detect any resistance rearing up: Deep? Into the D-E-E-P? Nah, I don’t think so…I’ve tried that before; it didn’t work.
“Deep” means not shallow, beyond where you can stand comfortably with your head above the surface. “Deep” means extending far down, where the waters grow dark, away from the edge, below the surface.
God also summons you: “Launch out into the deep!”
What’s holding you back? Apparent limitations, past failures, fear of criticism, too much pressure, setbacks, bad timing, feels wrong, makes no sense, can’t do it alone—the list goes on and on.
We are not fishermen, but God has called us to be a fishers of men and women, boys and girls—connecting Canadians to Christ. Daily we are seeing the effectiveness of launching out into the deep and casting our nets on the other side of the boat. Look at this response from one of our viewers: “Every time I turn on my television to watch another program, your program is like magically on… like it was meant to be on for me. God is trying to talk to me through you two. I am a non “practicing” Christian; however, I have become a believer in God. I have unfortunately suffered from setbacks and addictions… Thank you so much for touching me through your show. I don’t have many friends, but I don’t need a lot of friends because Jesus is my friend, and the only real friend I now need. Thank you for showing me this.”
We invite you to join us by watching our Virtual Partnership Event where you will hear music and messages from God’s Word to inspire you to Launch out into the Deep!
Many blessings,
Mike and René
Friday, September 24 at 7:00 P.M. | |
Welcome and Opening Prayer | Mike & René Lemon |
Theme Song | Deeper Yet – Fountainview Academy |
Message | Mike & René Lemon |
Special Music | Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers |
Closing Prayer | Mike & René Lemon |
Saturday, September 25 at 11:00 A.M. | |
Welcome and Opening Prayer | Mike & René Lemon |
Theme Song | Deeper Yet – Fountainview Academy |
Message | Mike & René Lemon |
It Is Written Canada Presentation | Mike & René Lemon |
Special Music | Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers |
Closing Prayer | Mike & René Lemon |

Fountainview Academy Orchestra and Singers share the love of Jesus with the world through their multiple musical productions, which combine beautiful scenery with compelling music to create a powerful tool to portray God’s love. Through these productions they have effectively brought the gospel into millions of homes, and we are thrilled to feature their music for It Is Written Canada’s Virtual Partnership Event – Launch out into the Deep!
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