
  • Os ensinos de Jesus transcendem o tempo. São incrivelmente atuais e têm um poder transformador. Permita que sua vida seja renovada pelos ensinos do Mestre que deixou Seu exemplo e Suas palavras como um legado de esperança. Comece agora o seu estudo! English Title: Teachings of Jesus - Bible Studies
  • This is the story of the founder of ADRA Canada. It is about a life lived in faithful response to God's calls. Great and unexpected things happen if you live by faith. It is not always easy and sometimes it may even be absurd or downright dangerous. He saw God moving in powerful ways in his life. Stories have themes. This story is no different: when God calls, He equips. He is with you every step of the way. ISBN: 978-0-9695826-9-4.
  • Book by Herbert Douglas discusses the ancient Israelite festivals and if they are required for Christians today.
  • One Lie Breeds Another That first lie Satan told in Eden--the one that said God was actually a selfish liar--has spawned a multitude of untruths about who God is and what His feelings toward us really are. The human perception of God has been askew ever since, and we've struggled to relate to this God we don't really (want to) know. Naturally, since our view of God is distorted, our attitudes and behavior are rebellious--perceptions change our thoughts, thoughts influence our feelings, and feelings determine attitudes and behavior. Herb Montgomery goes straight to the root of the problem and sweeps aside the misperceptions of God and His character that cause us to spurn the only one who truly loves us. Some of Christianity's long-held, though biblically unfounded, views are confronted--God's true attitude toward pain and suffering, where guilt comes from, and what His forgiveness accomplishes. And the question that plagues every human heart is irrevocably resolved: If God really loves us, why does He allow horrible things to happen? Written by: Herb Montgomery
  • Touch Points -- What to Do When You Can't Forgive. Tract.
  • Feeling stuck, frustrated, and defeated? Allen believes the solution is simple: how we think shapes how we live. We can learn to stop thoughts that leave us prey to toxic patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction. Drawing on biblical teaching and neuroscience, she shows how to fight the enemies of the mind with the truth of God. Written by: Jennie Allen
  • From the manger in Bethlehem to the cross in Jerusalem, Yancey presents Jesus as one who generates questions as well as answers, an exhilarating Jesus who wants to radically transform your life and stretch your faith. Getting to Know Jesus engages your heart, your mind, your emotions, and your senses, preparing you for a new, life-changing encounter with the real Jesus described in the Gospels.
  • Your family is precious to God! God has a great love for you and everyone you call your family
  • This free booklet is a great refresher of the topic covered in the program.  God's love for man, what it means, why He allows terrible things to happen, and many more questions that are all answered from the Bible.
  • Searching for life's meaning is universal. Every culture in every era has search for truth; truth that answers life's big questions; truth that provides significance for daily living; truth that is certain and beyond doubt. But truth has come on hard times.  Have you heard somebody say it, “You have your truth and I have mine.”  Really? People agree that it is not wise to step out of a tenth-story window or eat certain types of mushrooms.  In fact, science and technology are built upon the proposition that truth is "out there" waiting to be discovered. God's Truth sets forth the idea that there is truth not only in the material world but also in the social and spiritual realms; truth that is foundational to personal and social health; truth that transforms lives. Bestselling author George R. Knight explains the Bible’s major themes in a manner that is both clear and brief.  As such, it not only provides a concise introduction to the teachings of history’s most influential and best-selling book, but it is also an invitation to further study. After all, there is nothing more important than understanding God’s ultimate truth about the world and our lives.


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