
  • There is hope for you and your family! We live in challenging times. Our lives are saturated by information, activities, and senseless expectations. The stresses of modern life make healthy relationships more difficult to achieve and sustain. Couples and children live under the same roof but communicate poorly at best. Many want the stability of a strong family life but don’t know how to attain it. This small book can help. Its ideas and solutions come from ancient wisdom but are as relevant as today’s news. It will
    • Help you build strong relationships with those around you;
    • Give you new skills to help build your children’s characters;
    • Share time-proven principles that will facilitate a meaningful and happy life;
    • Show how husbands and wives can draw closer emotionally, spiritually, financially and intellectually; and
    • Help you communicate more effectively, understand and heal the roots of violence, prevent distress and divorce, or live happily as a single person.
  • Road Trip! Can two highly educated scientists with divergent approaches to the origins of life survive a trip into the geological wonder of the desert southwest? Hop into the back seat and listen to their conversation. Creation? Really? is a great book to share with someone who is challenged by scientific fact and how it relates to evolution and creation.  With a strong emphasis on keeping an open mind, the author looks at the scientific evidence on both sides and demonstrates how both arguments can be affected by assumptions and traditions. Share with your neighbors and co-workers, and introduce them to a loving creator God!
  • Words of Hope presents the stories Jesus told and draws practical, down-to-earth lessons from common scenes, objects, and incidents of life. In this devotional classic, Ellen G. White plumbs the depths of the best-loved teachings of Jesus, offering a deeply spiritual understanding of the parables of Christ as they apply to the life today. She provides practical applications in a way that touches the heart. Words of Hope was written not by a dry historical scholar or a technical commentator, but by a messenger with a personal knowledge of the love our Redeemer has for humankind.
  • Changed

    Changed is the the book you've been waiting for―and didn't even know it! It's a book about cold, hard realities (you might say R-rated).  It's not a work of fiction, because hearsay is not allowed in the court of life.  Eleven writers testify about their lives and their truths; their messes and their messages.  Read their stories and find out why it makes so much sense to give Jesus a try.  Changed is targeted as a youth sharing book, and youth will certainly identify with these stories, but anyone who reads them will be moved and inspired.
  • The search for peace in this world takes many paths, but human efforts to find peace will ultimately fail because they don't reach the heart.  Only one thing can transform us from hurting to healed, from guilty to free, from troubled to peaceful.  There is only one real Power for inner peace in this world.  A book to share with those we meet who are stressed with today's life.
  • This is the story of the founder of ADRA Canada. It is about a life lived in faithful response to God's calls. Great and unexpected things happen if you live by faith. It is not always easy and sometimes it may even be absurd or downright dangerous. He saw God moving in powerful ways in his life. Stories have themes. This story is no different: when God calls, He equips. He is with you every step of the way. ISBN: 978-0-9695826-9-4.
  • Sale!

    Life Without Limits – Hardcover

    Original price was: $20.00.Current price is: $15.00.
  • Once again, Morris Venden has compiled an anthology of invaluable information-this time on the subject of conversion-to help us in our Christian walk. According to Venden, conversion is the most neglected, and most important, topic in the Christian church. This book starts with the necessity of conversion and covers the work of the Holy Spirit, the born again experience, the effect of sin, the steps to conversion, the importance of beholding Jesus, and much more. Included in the book are many quotes from Ellen G. White on conversion, along with the ever-popular illustrations and parables that Venden is famous for.
  • Feeling stuck, frustrated, and defeated? Allen believes the solution is simple: how we think shapes how we live. We can learn to stop thoughts that leave us prey to toxic patterns like victimhood, anxiety, and distraction. Drawing on biblical teaching and neuroscience, she shows how to fight the enemies of the mind with the truth of God. Written by: Jennie Allen
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