Christian Living

  • This is perfect for your fridge or posting at your workplace, this list makes smart choices easy.  From what to eat, what to do, and what to avoid, this list will keep your brain healthy and strong and you feeling great!
  • This is perfect for your fridge or posting at your workplace, this list makes smart choices easy.  From what to eat, what to do, and what to avoid, this list will keep your brain healthy and strong and you feeling great!
  • One of the most translated books in the world, this little gem contains insights into knowing Jesus. Do you know Him? Or do you just know about Him? As you read this volume, may you be drawn into Christ's presence as have countless others. May you find Jesus standing before you saying, "I can answer your deepest spiritual and personal needs."
    • To access this booklet online, please click Here
  • "The prayer of faith shall save the sick" (James 5:15) That promise is the subject of this book. After offering a collection of pertinent biblical passages, Ellen G. White sets forth conditions for answered prayer and explains why God does not always say Yes to every request for healing. She also discusses the preparation necessary on the part of those who pray, the importance of submitting to God's will, and the relationship between miraculous healing and physical remedies. The book includes an illuminating case history in which God revealed why He declined to answer a prayer for healing.
  • Angry? Gentle? Cruel? Kind? What is God really like? In Outrageous Grace, popular author and pastor Dwight Nelson isn’t afraid to tackle the questions that arise from the diverse biblical descriptions of God. Admitting that the Old Testament portrayals of a harsh God are difficult for many Christians to focus on, Nelson skillfully guides the reader through texts that demonstrate how God works with individuals in the ways that will most effectively touch their hearts. Focusing on principles revealed in the parable of the prodigal son, Nelson shows us that God values relationships, not rules. God is a parent, teacher, leader, and friend. Most of all, He is a God of outrageous grace—a relentless lover and an unconditional forgiver whose loving goal is to take His children home to heaven. A CHRISTIAN-FAITH SHARING BOOK
  • Steps to Christ is celebrating one hundred years! And it’s getting better as it gets older, because now you get this classic book, exactly as the author wrote it, plus a lot more. Throughout the chapters you’ll find story illustrations that make the themes in Steps to Christ relevant to everyday life. You’ll also find intriguing thought questions and suggested activities that could radically change your life If you want to understand God better and have a deeper friendship with Him, find the Bible more enjoyable and useful, and grow in faith, read on!
  • When you cry, God stops and listens What do you do when life tears up the rule book and throws the pieces in your face? In this book, author Kurt Johnson suggests that when you’re facing a crisis and you don’t think you can go on—Heaven stops what it’s doing and takes an immediate interest in your needs. When cancer strikes—or a heart attack. . . Heaven pauses. When your spouse decides the marriage is over and walks out the door. . . Heaven pauses. That’s what this book is all about—a God who cares and understands, a God who can help you with every issue you’re facing—at this very moment.
  • Changed

    Changed is the the book you've been waiting for―and didn't even know it! It's a book about cold, hard realities (you might say R-rated).  It's not a work of fiction, because hearsay is not allowed in the court of life.  Eleven writers testify about their lives and their truths; their messes and their messages.  Read their stories and find out why it makes so much sense to give Jesus a try.  Changed is targeted as a youth sharing book, and youth will certainly identify with these stories, but anyone who reads them will be moved and inspired.
  • Life is unfair. We learn that as children. And the truth is it doesn’t always get better. Do you ever wonder why some people seem to do so well in spite of suffering? Why some people find their life purpose through tragedy? When you look at your own life—it’s just a mess—so how do they do it? Changed 4 Life will show you how. Read the incredible stories of eight people who faced the same problems you’re facing right now, and find your story written between the lines. Their stories will show you how it can be done. Their stories will give you hope. Changed 4 Life will remind you that no matter who you are, where you come from, or what kind of mess you’re in today, God has a special purpose for your life. Changed 4 Life is about you and how God desires to change you today—and for eternity. Change is possible because it is all about God. The God who created you. The God who has a purpose for your life. The God who loves you unconditionally. This is the fourth and final book in the Changed series.
  • This very powerful book contains the stories of people destroyed by life’s circumstances and rebuilt by the love of God. As you read the chapters of this book, you might even see a reflection of yourself as in a mirror. You may think that your life makes no sense, that there is no forgiveness or hope for you. Yet, each of these stories will lead you to believe in a Power that is above and beyond your own self. The great need of every man and woman is God’s great opportunity to save you. He offers you a new birth, a new life with meaning, the opportunity to rebuild your life and restore your family. Please, accept His invitation. Alejandro Bullón was born in Peru, and has worked for more than forty years in South America. At present he lives in Brazil, and his greatest passion is public evangelism and communicating the gospel by radio, television, and the Internet. Tens of thousands of people attend his public conferences, and millions have benefited from his ministry. He is also the author of several books and articles. His works have been published in Spanish, Portuguese, and English.
  • Your family is precious to God! God has a great love for you and everyone you call your family
  • Freedom of choice is one of the most precious gifts God has entrusted to humans. We often make poor choices, which may lead to destructive habits that enslave us, damage our health and even ruin our lives. This powerful book describes the journey to hope, healing and wholeness despite our brokenness. It includes a 12-step Recovery program, empowering you to overcome harmful habits and addictions. Above all, you will come to know the Person who can heal and restore, strengthen and encourage as well as bring true balance and meaning to your life. This Person is Jesus Christ. He loves you, desires to set you free from addictions, and to give you a future filled with peace and happiness. Choose Jesus and allow His power to transform your life.
  • This is the story of the founder of ADRA Canada. It is about a life lived in faithful response to God's calls. Great and unexpected things happen if you live by faith. It is not always easy and sometimes it may even be absurd or downright dangerous. He saw God moving in powerful ways in his life. Stories have themes. This story is no different: when God calls, He equips. He is with you every step of the way. ISBN: 978-0-9695826-9-4.
  • Take a look into the remarkable chapters of Finnie Flores’ life; the life of one who trusted God to faithfully guide his life from the Philippines to Canada.
  • Ruben Dias and Mischa Gelb leaned heavily on the power of nice and risked their lives repeatedly for the reward of realizing their EPIC dream: a global heli tour, which would carry them over sixty thousand kilometers, with one hundred and seven stops, traversing at least forty-five countries on five different continents. This is a book you will enjoy reading and have no problem sharing with friends and family.
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