To access this booklet online, please click here.
This free offer is clarifying on the role of the Holy Spirit, how to know if you have received the Holy Spirit, and much more packed into just 32 easy-to-read pages. To download it now, please click Here.
In this Signs special in the Truth Matters series the reader will be taken on a journey to discover not only the wonders of life and our universe but, even more remarkable, a love that is beyond imagination, Perfect for sharing with friends interested in the wonders of our universe. Bar Code: 643330045039
Out of stockA small magazine that you can share the story of Jesus with friends and family this holiday from Desire of Ages by Ellen G. White.
This Signs of the Times Truth Matters special edition sharing piece on the coronavirus pandemic is a practical and spiritual response to the most significant global health crisis of the 21st century. Buy it for yourself or share it with family and friends! In view of the shocking developments we have witnessed, this Signs of the Times Truth Matters special edition sharing piece on the coronavirus pandemic is a practical and spiritual response to the most significant global health crisis of the 21st century. Knowing the facts will keep your fears at bay and help you face the future with hope! Inside, readers learn about the disease itself, including prevention techniques, ways to boost the natural immune system, and symptoms of illness. It then tackles the relationship between the pandemic and a spiritual worldview by exploring Bible history and touching on prophecy. Hope crowns the 16-page magazine, reassuring readers that even when trouble comes, God is with us. Contributors include pastor and evangelist Mark Finley, DDiv; internal medicine physician Lyndi Schwartz; and registered dietitian Rebecca Barnhurst.
To download it now, please click Here.
Em um tempo marcado por filosofias anticristãs, sincretismo e pluralismo religioso, muitas pessoas têm a falsa compreensão de que Deus não existe ou de que Ele é indiferente. Infelizmente o significado perdido do sábado é o significado perdido em relação a Deus. Este guia de estudo permitirá que você se aprofunde no conhecimento de Deus e do plano que Ele tem para a sua vida. Você descobrirá que ainda hoje poderá reivindicar a bênção da Criação.
In this booklet, diverse authors have mapped out the most coveted of positive, mental-health-building experiences. Rest, joy, peace, freedom - who doesn't want more of those? These authors have identified and pragmatized the path to the positives, not to invalidate that life can be hard but to give us a fighting chance to enjoy it.