
  • A theme that threads its way throughout this book is the law of love and freedom. Simply put, "There is no love without freedom." God, therefore, is not only God of love but God of freedom. He gave everything through Jesus to restore our freedom. This helps us make sense of our experiences of suffering and death Don Straub, a counselor who has also been a teacher and pastor, shares his life experiences in his work in Canada and Africa, being married three times, losing two wives to death, and being a father. He also shares his analysis of Scripture and scientific research to help readers move closer to God, enjoy spiritual growth, manage emotions, and cultivate healthy relationships. The "bridges to freedom" he highlights include authenticity, grace, healthy self-love, healthy self-talk, self-awareness, gratitude, assertiveness, and forgiveness. Move closer to the Lord, get past your mistakes, and learn life lessons with the essential bridges described in this book.
    Written by: Don Straub
  • This is your opportunity to discover answers to hundreds of questions that affect your life and happiness--absolutely FREE--in the 26 DISCOVER Bible Guides. By requesting this lesson, you'll be automatically signed up with our Bible School.  You will soon receive this first lesson in the mail.  Simply read through it, fill in the answer sheet, then return the answer sheet to our address; Box 2010, Oshawa ON L1H7V4.  All you will pay for is return postage.  When we receive it, we will mail you additional guides for your continued study.  When you have finished all 26 successfully, you will receive a diploma certificate in celebration of your accomplishment. Have you taken this series already but want to continue your Bible exploration?  Try our Focus on Prophecy lessons.
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  • Your family is precious to God! God has a great love for you and everyone you call your family
  • This is your opportunity to explore Bible prophecy and find answers to hundreds of questions that affect your life and happiness--absolutely FREE--in the 20 Focus on Prophecy Bible Guides. By requesting this series, you'll be automatically signed up with our Bible School.  You will soon receive the first 2 lessons in the mail.  At your own pace, simply read through them, fill in the answer sheets, then return the answer sheets to our address; Box 2010, Oshawa ON L1H7V4.  All you will pay for is return postage.  When we receive them, we will mail you additional guides for your continued study.  When you have finished all 20 successfully, you will receive a diploma certificate in celebration of your accomplishment. Have you taken this series already but want to continue your Bible exploration?  Try our Discover lessons.
  • Ruben Dias and Mischa Gelb leaned heavily on the power of nice and risked their lives repeatedly for the reward of realizing their EPIC dream: a global heli tour, which would carry them over sixty thousand kilometers, with one hundred and seven stops, traversing at least forty-five countries on five different continents. This is a book you will enjoy reading and have no problem sharing with friends and family.
  • This is perfect for your fridge or posting at your workplace, this list makes smart choices easy.  From what to eat, what to do, and what to avoid, this list will keep your brain healthy and strong and you feeling great!
  • This free episode on DVD with special guest Dr. Neil Nedley discusses the possibility of changing your brain for the better.
  • In Hope for a Helpless Planet, you will discover how Jesus will come again and how to be ready to meet Him. It's true! Jesus is coming again! Will you be ready? Bar Code: 9780816362097
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    Request your free copy of the television episode with special guest Dr. Neil Nedley discussing the optimizing of your brain and garnering the best habits to maximize your mental well-being.
  • One of the most translated books in the world, this little gem contains insights into knowing Jesus. Do you know Him? Or do you just know about Him? As you read this volume, may you be drawn into Christ's presence as have countless others. May you find Jesus standing before you saying, "I can answer your deepest spiritual and personal needs."
    • To access this booklet online, please click Here
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