
December 2020

JESUS IS STANDING AT THE DOOR OF YOUR HEART THIS CHRISTMAS When Mary gave birth to her firstborn son, she wrapped him in narrow strips of swaddling clothes, and laid him in an animal feeding trough, a manger, “because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). As a baby, Jesus [...]

December 20202021-04-30T16:32:25-04:00

November 2020

HOW TO WIN ONE MILLION SOULS FOR JESUS Before I lowered the young lady into the water, I prayed, “LORD, by the power of your Holy Spirit, use Madison’s life to bring one million souls to Your kingdom.” It was a colossal prayer of faith that made an impact on Madison’s heart, and recently, [...]

November 20202021-04-30T17:51:10-04:00

October 2020

SEE THE CREATION OF A BEAUTIFUL ANTHEM OF PRAISE Imagine strolling through a city park and meeting a crowd of people swarming an artist who is working on an intriguing drawing. The artist takes out a white sheet of paper and haphazardly peppers black dots here and there on the page. You press your eyes [...]

October 20202021-04-30T17:49:21-04:00

September 2020

EXPERIENCING LIFE I remember a time when I was sick all the time. Shortly after my birth, my parents fought all the time. My father drank a lot, and my mother always cried. So, they divorced, and my mother took my three brothers and myself to an orphanage in Indian Head, Saskatchewan called the [...]

September 20202021-04-30T17:50:08-04:00

August 2020

KNOW THE FREEDOM AND POWER IN A DECISION Did you know that a simple domino is capable of knocking over another domino one and a half times larger than itself, so if you started with a domino just five millimeters tall and one millimeter thick, about the size of a Tic Tac, it would [...]

August 20202021-04-30T16:24:31-04:00

July 2020

SEEING THE WORLD THROUGH THE EYES OF A CHILD When my youngest daughter, Miclain, was four years old, I wondered what she would say if I asked her an adult-sized question because I had been advised not to talk down to my children, so I looked at my cute little four-year-old who kicked her [...]

July 20202021-04-30T17:43:41-04:00

June 2020

NOTHING IS WORTH MORE THAN THIS MOMENT Mike and I bought a beautiful bird feeder, or perhaps I should call it a squirrel feeder because since the squirrels figured out how to successfully fly through the air onto the feeder, they have taken it over as their own. Sometimes, I like to think the [...]

June 20202021-04-30T17:52:05-04:00

May 2020

Upcoming Episodes May 2: Conquering the Unthinkable - Part 1 with Nikolas and Mary Coursey May 9: Conquering the Unthinkable - Part 2 with Nikolas and Mary Coursey May 16: Forgiving the Unforgivable - Part 1 with Vas Pejcinovski May 23: Forgiving the Unforgivable - Part 2 with Vas Pejcinovski May 30: Absolute Reliance [...]

May 20202021-04-30T17:54:58-04:00

April 2020

Upcoming Episodes April 4: The Unseen Enemy with Michael and René Lemon April 11: ADRA Canada: Embracing Mothers and Children with Steve Matthews and Analyn Bruce April 18: A New Creation - Part 1 with Dr. David Sloan April 25: A New Creation - Part 2 with Dr. David Sloan Upcoming Episodes [...]

April 20202021-04-30T16:21:44-04:00

March 2020

Upcoming Episodes March 7: Where is God When I’m Hurting? with Pastor Philip Lee March 14: Lifestyle is Medicine - Part 1 with Dr. George and Daniel Cho March 21: Lifestyle is Medicine - Part 2 with Dr. George Cho March 28: ADRA Canada: Embracing Mothers and Children with Steve Matthews and Analyn Bruce [...]

March 20202021-04-30T17:46:02-04:00
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